Thursday, January 22, 2009


Singing in the shower? No, though songs may be playing in my head :-)

Left the stove on? While I was cooking (stealing that answer!)

Ate stale food? Yes

Spit in someone's drink? No

Stole something from a friend? Yes, many years ago

Bossed your friends around? I hope not!

Played with Barbies? I was probably Ken for some of my cousins when we were little

Left love bites on your past or present partner(s)? No

Sang the wrong words to your favorite song? You try figuring out the words to "Another Nail for My Heart" by Squeeze!

Lit candles and let wax run all down your desk? I see no purpose to owning candles in the 21st century -- we have electricity and batteries now -- I privately chuckle when I hear of a house burning down during a blackout because some asshole fell asleep with a lit candle going. Prop a flashlight up...same effect...lasts for hours!

Made a sex tape?

Kissed your posters of your favorite stars? No

Played air guitar? Not for performance purposes, just privately as some songs really rock :-)

Listened to stupid music and said you like it? If I say I like something, I like it and sometimes the reason that I like it is precisely because it's stupid. Not all music was meant to have a deep significant meaning to the listener.

Had sex with a stranger? No

Did a wrestling move on someone? No

Had a Lite Brite toy? Yes :-) Lite Brite! Lite Brite! Turn on the magic of colored lights!

Threw a surprise party for someone or yourself? No

Made someone cry? Made my Mom cry once...not proud of that

Had the balls to ask someone out? Yes! I got stood up!

Opened your Christmas presents early? We would always have a Christmas by Nan's on Christmas Eve so yes technically. However, my Brother and me did open them early once. We got up and saw all the presents in our room and I asked Mom if we could open them. She mumbled something...didn't matter what, it meant "Yes". We opened our presents (I remember getting Mousetrap that year) and it was only when I went to get a garbage bag for the wrapping paper that I noticed the time was like 3 a.m. Mom moved the Christmas tree to the living room after that. I'm gonna guess that this was 1986. I think it was the last year I believed in Santa Claus too. :-)

Ever been caught doing something "dirty"? Almost!

Did the time-warp? No

Found money, and didn't turn it in? I've That Other Journal'd two instances already. My record is still currently $42 -- no easy way to ID the's mine

Gave money to a homeless person? No

Sang cheesy 80's songs? I've sung along to The Vapors and Timbuk 3, sure :-)

Dug for buried treasure? I buried a jar of coins once as a kid for the future...turns out that that would be only a month or so after I had buried it. I made a map and yes, X did mark the spot :-)

Thought Star Wars was cool? It was awesome when I was a young teenager though now I only find it entertaining

Pretended to be a South Park cartoon?

Had a super-hero costume? I was Spiderman in 2nd grade though I highly doubt Spiderman's uniform not only didn't have a picture of him on it, but also didn't have "Spiderman" written on it either :-)

Still sleep with your baby blanket? No

Told a family member to fuck off? Not in those words, but yes (stealing that one)

Lied to protect a friend? I tend to...ususally the lie of omission though That Other Journal has been eroding that lately ;-)

Broke a bone? No

Got lost in your own little world? Plenty of times! :-)

Seen "The Goonies" more than 10 times? Yes

Played a video game for more than 5 hours? Yes...I think Super Metroid for the SNES was the last one

Watched "Scream" and actually screamed? I've never seen the film

Dyed your hair a color from the rainbow? I've never dyed my hair

Hugged your mom in the past 24 hours? No

Drank until you passed out? No

Fought over a girl/boy? No

Two Names You Go By
1. ----------------
2. ----------------

Two Parts of Your Heritage
1. German
2. Irish

Two Things That Scare You
1. Gie bësatten staidter fayl
2. Gen dohxe tehi gie yan, ihe ni shayer, taogal

Two of Your Everyday Essentials
1. Tending to my online stuff (finally sucked in!)
2. Checking my change

Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now
1. Dark blue sweat pants
2. Gray sweat shirt

Two of Your Favorite Bands or Musical Artists (at the moment)
1. Billy Joel
2. Ric Ocasek

Two of Your Favorite Songs (of the moment)
1. In Repair by John Mayer
2. In the Morning by The Coral

Two Things You Want in a Relationship (other than Real Love)
1. Complementation
2. Intimacy

Two Physical Things that Appeal to You
1. Dark hair
2. Thin

Two of Your Favorite Hobbies
1. Numismatics
2. Astronomy?

Two Things You Want Really Badly
1. Gie morgne xah, ihe bis mä psettant, orfa :-/
2. Le ni cöen xah, ihe neam cayt shaidt, rim; orfa

Two Places You Want to go on Vacation
1. Niagara Falls
2. It would definitely be cool to check out the giant Sequoia forest

Two Things You Want to Do Before You Die
1. Find out what happened to all those whom I miss
2. Finish what I started

Two people I would like to see do this:
1. Anyone who wanted to
2. Anyone who reads it
(both fair answers)

(originally posted to That Other Journal on January 22, 2009)

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