Thursday, January 22, 2009


1. Kissed your cousin: Probably when I was a little kid
2. Ran away: No
3. Pictured your crush naked: I can't picture things in my head...tried, but couldn't :-/
4. Skipped school: Yes
5. Broken someone's heart: Probably...Visa's?
6. Been in love: Yes
7. Cried when someone died: I cried when I watched my Brother's parakeet die, but never over a person
8. Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: Yeah, eleven times and counting...
9. Broken a bone: Nope
10. Done something embarrassing: Yes...see future questions!
11. Lied: It's usually the lie of omission
12. Cried in school: Yes -- I remember one from 2nd grade
13. Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi
14. Sprite or 7UP: There's a difference?
15. Girls or Guys: Depends on the activity. [(good answer, I'm keeping it!) And I'm stealing it too!]
16. Flowers or Candy: Candy...I have no use for flowers
17. Scruff or Clean shaved: I prefer to be clean-shaven...though I only shave once a week
18. Blondes or Brunettes: Brunettes :-)
19. Bitchy or slutty? I live with bitchy...I could thus go for slutty :-p
20. Tall or Short: It doesn't matter to me
21. Pants or Shorts: Pants
22. Night or day: I work all night so I've grown fond of the daytime :-)

23. What do you notice first: Her hair
24. Last person you slow danced with: I don't have a first person I've slow-danced with yet :-(
25. Worst question to ask: Give me a context, and I'll think of one :-)

26. Showered: Yesterday before work
27. Stepped outside: A little after 4 a.m. to begin my walk home
28. Had Sex: April 2003

29. Romantic memory: Still working on that :-/
30. Your Good Luck Charm: I don't have one...nothing's ever worked
31. Person You Hate Most: Myself
32. Best Thing That Has Happened: I don't wanna call it yet
33. On your desk: I don't feel like listing it all...stuff I need
34. Picture on your desktop: A picture of a pine tree with snow on it taken by The Vegan

35. Color: Blue
36. Movie: I don't know. I can't think of one that I feel I have to share with someone.
38. Cars: I have no vehicular preference nor do I drive
39. Ice Cream: The Breyer's one with Oreo cookie bits -- Chocolate chip mint when that's not available
41. Food: I love Rice-a-Roni

42. Makes You Laugh The Most: On the radio? Jim Norton and Patrice O'Neal -- In real life? The Vegan and Roommate
43. Makes You Smile: Anyone that makes me feel like I truly matter (I'm stealing that one!)
44. Can Make You Feel Better No Matter What: I don't think there's anyone who can do that genuinely though I do joke that I find it impossible to be unhappy around Rabbit :-)
45. Has A Crush On You: No one that I know of :-(
46. Do You Have A Crush On: No one at this time
47. Has It Easier?: Anyone else who talks to the girls I've liked as those girls seems to like the attention they receive from them :-/
48. Gives You A Funny Feeling When You See Them: Pretty much anyone I've dared to put hope in :-/

49. Sit By The Phone Waiting For A Phone Call All Night: I have and it has yet to be not depressing
50. Save AIM Conversations: I save everything (for the most part)
51. Save E-mails: Yes -- I should print them too
52. Forward Secret E-mails: FWD: in my inbox usually means "delete as unread"
53. Wish You Were Someone Else: No, just a better version of me
54. Wish You Were A Member Of The Opposite Sex: No
55. Wear Cologne: No
56. Kiss: I haven't kissed anyone in over ten years and I'm rarely kissed at all :-/
59. Cuddle: I would like to :-/
58. Go Online For Longer Than Eight Hours At A Time: More so lately (you know who you are) :-)

59. Fallen For Your Best Friend?: No
60. Made Out With JUST A Friend?: No
61. Kissed Two People In The Same Day?: No
62. Had Sex With Two Different People In The Same Day?: No
63. Been Rejected: Fuck yes (stealing that one too)
64. Been In Love?: Yes
65. Been In Lust?: Yes
66. Used Someone?: We're all using someone to some extent...altruism is impossible...for me, it's more about whether it's malicious or not, in which case, I have and while I don't necessarily regret them, it's not necessarily something I'm proud of either
67. Been Used?: Yeah
68. Dumped Someone?: Technically I suppose
69. Been Cheated On?: I would have had to have been in a relationship to have been cheated on, so no :-/
70. Been Kissed?: Yes
71. Done Something You Regret?: Many, many things

72. You Touched?: Probably my Best Friend
73. You Talked To?: Verbally? My Dad called earlier this morning -- Online? The Vegan
74. You Hugged?: I haven't hugged anyone for a very long time :-/ -- the last person to hug me was I believe my Twin before she left for Washington DC for Barack Obama's Inauguration
75. You Instant Messaged?: The Vegan
76. You Kissed?: Visa in December 1998
77. You Yelled At?: My Best Friend
78. You Thought About? Digby :-/
79. Who Text Messaged You?: Digby via AIM (I don't own a cellphone)
80. Who Broke Your Heart?: Digby
81. Who Told You They Loved You?: And meant it? I guess my sad is that?

82. Color Your Hair? I never have nor do I intend to
83. Have Tattoos?: No
84. Have Piercings?: No
85. Have A boyfriend/girlfriend? No :-(
86. Own A Webcam?: No
87. Own A Thong?: No :-)
88. Ever Get Off The Damn Computer?: I have responsibilities to take care of
89. Sprechen Sie Deutsch?: Ich kann nicht Deutsch.
90. Habla español?: J'ai étudié français lors que j'étais dans l'école!
91. Quack?: There's a recording of me doing so when I was two :-)

92. Stolen Anything?: Yes...and I still have it :-)
93. Smoke?: No
94. Schizophrenic?: No
95. Obsessive?: Yes
96. Compulsive?: Can't say that I am
97. Obsessive compulsive?: Sometimes :-)
98. Panic?: Very rarely
99. Have Anxiety?: Quite a lot of it I'm afraid
100. Depressed?: I don't think I meet the clinical definition, but I do get sad a lot

(originally posted to That Other Journal on January 22, 2009)

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