Wednesday, November 23, 2011


      I had an unexpected Monday off on Thanksgiving week so I decided to take advantage of it and texted these two girls who had given me their phone numbers off Plenty of Fish and with whom I have been having texting correspondence and in one of the two cases, an actual phone call with about getting together that day so we could finally meet up and see if there might be something for us to build upon (now that is a difficult sentence!).

      I got no response from the one I've actually spoken to and two days later have still not gotten a text. The other one, the one who prefers texting, told me that while she was in fact off that day, that she just wanted a day to "relax". I wasn't asking to make a day out of it, just the old classic "meet for coffee" type thing but apparently an hour or two out of her day was asking too much. I didn't press the issue in that manner...or at all really, that negative thought was just in my head. She didn't text me yesterday either even though we had been communicating daily for a while now. Yes, I know it is near Thanksgiving and people are busy but still...this lack of "excitement" is bugging me a bit. You'd think they would want to meet and feel bad if they could not. So instead of having a full social day (and being awfully tired the next as a result), I only took out my Best Friend for her birthday.

      Like the title says, this does not bode well...and like I joked at work, the way things are going, I will be back waiting for Number Twelve to break up with her boyfriend in no time...

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