Sunday, November 6, 2011


On this page of TVtropes, this dismissive description of the Shadows and Vorlons really made me laugh:

"Eh... you guys are making the mistake of actually seeing it as a war like we have over here... a better analogy would be a debate that turned into a fist fight... it just so happened that the debate was between Cthulhu and Space Angels, so the collateral damage was rather apocalyptic. The First Ones and Lorien being there made them stop and listen... which can do wonders in situations like this. Or even parents always having fights over how to raise the kid until the kid and his lawyer serves them emancipation papers."

Followed by: "I lov0e this explanation."

Okay, and this one too for its sheer asininery:

Was G'kar laughing or crying at the end of Acts of Sacrifice?

(originally posted to That Other Journal on November 6, 2011)

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