Wednesday, November 24, 2010


      Before going to bed this morning the roommate tells me that he has a job interview later today and another one later in the week. I can only hope this pans out. The first one is a data-entry position, a typical job for him which will last for who knows how long but at least it's something that would get him out of this apartment and legitimately earning money for the first time since March. I have no idea how he came across this position. My faith in him has been reduced to the point where I cannot possibly believe this is the result of his efforts...maybe the agency he signed up with some months ago and has apparently put total faith in. He mentioned said agency as being responsible for the second interview he'll be going on later this week.

      The plus side is that I have been tempted on numerous occasions to lay into him about not looking for work. I was having one of those fantasies mere minutes before he told me of this latest development. I'm glad I didn't. How foolish I would've looked (although probably not as foolish had I done so any time over the past seven months)!

       Anyways, may this long nightmare of unemployment soon be over. I would both like the ability to watch TV at a time of my choosing, to be able to enjoy some solitude in this apartment on a regular basis, to be able to clean without him watching me and not feeling compelled to either do something himself or ask if he could be doing something, and to be able to sleep on the couch in the late Spring/Summer should it get really hot again next year. Knowing me, his continued employment will cause me to grow complacent and not want to move at the end of the lease...I will have to talk myself out of it (or at least do so quietly in the event that I am not able to afford an apartment on my own in this area).

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