Wednesday, September 29, 2010


      So that "lead" on a job for my roommate seems to have been a false one. Therefore, he's still deliberately unemployed. He's attributing it to his mother misrepresenting the situation. So far his follow-up to all this is to continue marathoning the entire LOST series on the couch most of the day, pecking at his computer on this and that writing "project" that he either will not or cannot put out there, and still engaging in his "masseur" business.

      June 30, 2011 cannot come soon enough...

      He was finally out of the apartment long enough for me to marathon all the TV I recorded last week. I hate doing that. I'd much rather watch television in small chunks but instead I'm relegated to a four or five hour marathon-fest (cut one hour short because I fucked up the settings for Survivor) because I can't know when I'll have unfettered access to both the television and couch again. Ugh...

      Yay, time to go clean the bathroom because why would he ever do it...


poo said...

wow. just wow.

Vachon said...

At some level, I'm glad this is all merely petty shit. I'd hate if we were practically at fisticuffs.

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