Wednesday, September 8, 2010


      My roommate again is demonstrating poor fiscal priorities. He is still unemployed and his benefits will expire soon. While he has made (and for all I know is still making [he doesn't talk to me about it]) money doing his illicit thing, he still needs a significant amount of cash to make it to the end of the lease.

      So what has he done?

     Why, he bought LOST: The Complete Series on DVD. And he bought the entire series after committing to the purchase (while still employed) to the five previous seasons in their own boxed sets. Forgetting for the moment that he shouldn't be buying ANYTHING of this nature given that he remains unemployed and that he owes his best friend literally thousands of dollars... Why didn't he just buy the sixth season? Or for that matter, if there is something on this complete set that could not be had elsewhere, why buy the previous seasons? He got them all just a few months ago so it's not like he couldn't have anticipated the creation of such a set. Over $150. Just beautiful.

      And this isn't the first time he's done this. He also loves the Nickelodeon cartoon Avatar: The Last Airbender. He already owns the entire series on DVD. Nickelodeon's milking the show's fans by releasing "Collectors' Editions" of the series. Guess what he's also been buying? He spends money like it's on fire.

      But I guess I am the greater fool cuz I'm the one who decided to live with him in the first place. This lease can't be over soon enough. And I say that as someone who HATES moving.....

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