Sunday, September 5, 2010


      If the Republicans take the House of Representatives and/or make significant inroads in the Senate, then in my opinion, this country can just simply go away for all I care.

      I want you to understand, I don't say say this because I like Republicans. I don't. I don't care for the Democrats either but I've been pissed at the electorate for apparently supporting the GOP -- y'know, the party that has stood for NOTHING since President Obama was sworn in. Y'know, the party of people who have lowered taxes every chance they've gotten since Reagan and INCREASED spending thus creating a shitload of debt for this country who have now become fiscal conservatives again. They decry that Democrats are "tax-and-spend" -- at least they're TRYING to pay for it. The Republicans have been against EVERY idea proposed by the Democrats and have not proposed ANYTHING of their own to counter it...just voting no or applying stalling tactics to keep shit from getting passed and complaining about methods the Democrats are employing (like Reconciliation) that they themselves used for similar, if not worse, reasons.

      I can't understand how the electorate would reward such obstinacy. I would like to believe the public is seeing through the Republican charade and will kick more of them out so that shit can finally get done in Washington D.C. but I have no faith that will happen.

      If the Republicans had even ONE idea or counterproposal that simply wasn't an analogue to the Underpants Gnome's economic outlook, I would support them.

(click on the image to enlarge it)

But no, they remain steadfastly the "Party of No" like that's some sort of badge of honor. And of course, when Democrats do it, they're obstructionists but when they do it, they're patriots. Motherfuckers. I will hand it to the Republicans though for figuring out the propaganda machine. They kick Democrat ass when it comes to framing debates (tax-and-spend; activist judges; big government is the problem; pro-life (thus implying the other side is anti-life); the corruption of the word "liberal"; just to name a few).

      This is truly a country with only one party: The Republicans. Like them or hate them, at least you know what they stand for (and against) whereas the Democrats are merely the "not-Republican" party or the "Party of Everyone Else". Whereas Republicans generally move in lockstep with their leadership, Democrats are always this multi-headed hydra each with its own idea on how its body should move. That's why they suck. I think I would be a Republican if they would simply stop being the Party of God. Somehow, only that party lays claim to Him. I don't care for religion at all, but God should not be the province of just the one party. I would definitely be a "party of Lincoln" Republican (as well as Theodore Roosevelt). I can't stand behind today's Republican Party...not that I support the Democratic Party either...

      Politics sucks. Why am I even talking about it again?

(title was inspired by the late great George Carlin from his 1996 special Back in Town)

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