Monday, January 25, 2010


I haven't spoken to Best Friend for a while. It's nothing malicious, it's just been over a month of bad timing. Yesterday, I finally got a text from her:

hey...noticed on fb u n Mystic r quite chummy. that chick c*******e was a nasty bitch to me in kinda annoyed me how u were bein nice to her.

To which I replied:

You do realize that that was over twelve years ago...right? Let it go.

To which she replied:

well she never friended me like other girls...or showed kindness. she had a real nasty disposition. at least t***a is cool now. u n Mystic should hang...maybe we can all b friends. i need positive pple in my life not negative. u r negative btw

I didn't respond to that one. I didn't feel like fighting since that's only where it could've led. Of course I wanna help you now! I love being insulted all the while you're expecting assistance from me. Immediately to mind came my previous attempts to introduce her to people whom I thought she might like: Ukrainian (whom she spoke with at my Dad's wake), Rabbit (whose number she actually got but never called and in fact yelled at me when I was annoyed at having gone through the trouble of arranging a meeting on her behalf only to see her completely waste the opportunity), Shortii (never got around to her meeting), my cousin J-Girl (whom she was getting along with at another of my cousin's wedding), and another of my cousins, K-Girl (whose number she also got but never did anything about). I've done my part.

As you may have surmised from her texts, she wants me to do all the work. I have no interest in introducing her to Mystic. Best Friend has every opportunity to do as I have been doing, but she doesn't preferring instead to ride on my coattails, those very same coattails she has put down so, so many times before. Ugh... I think her other friends have been giving her the cold shoulder lately so she's looking again to me to leech off.

I've said it before, but I really think Best Friend is the same person I met in high school. She's still trapped in 1997 (or earlier). I mean, twelve years and you're still holding a grudge? I'd be surprised if this C*******e even remembers Best Friend's name. And for the record, the reason I was being nice to her aside from the fact that she had done nothing to me, was that she was remarking on Mystic's and my banter to each other. She wanted to know if Mystic and I were a couple. We've just been goofing around on Facebook, but I'll admit that I like the implication. How could I ever be upset at that? It was also nice to be exposed to a friend dynamic that I hadn't seen in quite a while. Mystic's surrounded by love and support (and a lot of humor) and it's a pleasure to be swept up in it, however temporarily. But I'm the one being negative... :-P

(originally posted to That Other Journal on January 25, 2010)

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