Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Now it gets longer, and far less desirable to complete this meme. Today is the week, tomorrow is the month, and finally the year. If I violate the spirit of the entries, the month and year could be the same entry. Instead for the next two days, I will direct you to review any entries I have made in That Other Journal over the relevant period. Much of my life is similar on a weekly and even monthly basis so remembering particular details is difficult to me.

As for my week... I define my week from Wednesday to Tuesday given my work schedule. This week was defined by it being rather cold so I had to walk to work wearing my pajama pants over my work pants to protect against the wind. I failed to do that one day last week and suffered for it but not as bad as last year when it was in the low single digits and I had a longer walk. My thighs were showing the earliest signs of exposure that day. Walking isn't that difficult in the cold until I hit that last street before work. For some reason, that road is a wind tunnel and even though I'm less than ten minutes from work at that point, the winds do a number on me and on colder days, it feels as though my life-force were being taken from me. It can take hours to recover from that shock fully. Usually on Thursday, I'll see my friend Shortii who gets out of work when I'm going to work. She'll pull over and take me the rest of the way, but I didn't see her this week.

Work was uneventful until Saturday. I had a lot of shopping to catch up on. I was somewhat sick the week before so I had been putting it off. I normally do it in pieces and am limited to about eight pounds so I don't hurt myself. However, I got a ride home one day from Twin so I was able to buy soda, milk, and other heavy items. Security Guard had been giving me rides most days but he has been out of work with a broken ankle so it's been like old times for me. He should be back soon which really, can't be soon enough since it's been boring at work without him.

At home, I just spend my mornings listening to Opie and Anthony and bantering with Mystic on Facebook. I make dinner after the show ends. I had pasta one night, a T-bone steak over two days, and a baked hunk of turkey breast for Sunday and yesterday. For breakfast, I'm supposed to switch between cereal and oatmeal, but I have been having trouble waking up on time and cereal can be made without delay so I only had oatmeal once this week.

I talked with Bronx last night. It was a good call. She's very down-to-earth which I like and there's something about that Bronx accent that I must admit I'm digging.

Otherwise I just waste far too much of my time dicking around on these social networking sites and spent every day waiting for the U.S. Mint to post its production report for January-December 2009. It posted yesterday, but a quick check of the numbers showed the numbers were the same from January-November 2009 which either means the numbers weren't updated or that no coins were produced in the month of December which would be a first for a long time. I'm waiting for another site I check to corroborate this before writing the totals in their respective Whitman folders. Production was WAY down from past years due to the recession. Recessions usually cause a drop in production but they've been more like dips in the past. This has been a wholesale drop. In 2007, about 14.4 billion coins were produced. In 2008, it was about 10 billion. For 2009, it looks like it's gonna be 3.55 billion. A lot of individual coin totals are numbers that haven't been seen since the 1950's. They'll never be valuable, but finding them will be difficult and I think a good thing for future collectors trying to assemble sets from circulation.

I just received my 1978 Canadian mint and proof sets in the mail. I find Canadian coins frequently in my coin rolls and have assembled a nearly complete set of Canadian small cents from 1937 to present. I don't expect to ever get the ones from 1920-1936, but I got a 1933 recently so I guess it's possible.

I'm listening to the Opie and Anthony Show now and will likely be cleaning my room later today (it's way overdue) and the kitchen (that oven needs a scrubbing). We'll see.

Bored yet? :-)

(originally posted to That Other Journal on January 12, 2010)

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