Wednesday, May 25, 2011


      Since I'm moving, I've been busy gathering those companies I do business with and changing my addresses with them. Reasonable, no? I want the address change to take effect on June 1st. I sent in the form with post office but I have had trouble in the past with forwarding.

       The first apartment I lived in never received any forwarded mail. I guess the application got lost in the fold despite getting the confirmation letter of it. That didn't matter so much as I was leaving home so mail arriving there could be picked up at my convenience.

       When I left that apartment for the current one, again the forwarding application went through and while I did receive the occasional forwarded letter, most simply arrived at the old address. It was fortunate that my Best Friend needed to stay there an extra month or else some rather important mail would not have come my way like my IRA statements. I found out when talking to the post office (it turns out the guy I spoke to actually knew who I was through my father) that my route was staffed only by part-timers...multiple ones at that and apparently not all of them got the message to forward my mail. Mail forwarding is done at the level of the carrier who affixes that familiar yellow label on such mail. If they don't have the forwarding order, it just gets dropped off at your old address.

       So naturally, you might understand I'm a bit wary about trusting my mail to be forwarded given my past experiences so I've gotten to not only putting in the forwarding application but changing the addresses myself for those which I can think of. Now while PSE&G and Cablevision seem to grasp the concept of changing the address on the date I tell them, my credit cards don't. Each one told me that the address had been changed immediately to my chagrin. For two of them, this won't matter as my next statements will be sent after June 1st but for one of them, I had to change it right back. How aggravating.

        So much for being responsible and doing things ahead of time to assure a smooth and orderly transition. I blame all those assholes out there for doing things at the last minute or even after that point for this. I also blame capitalism for creating the kind of environment that causes businesses in their need for ever broader customer bases to accept this kind of behavior in the first place. Thanks for making the last minute the only one in which I can get things done...

ADDENDUM: After reconciling my books for the month of May, I realized that I never received my bills from Verizon and PSE&G. Last night, my cousin gave me a letter that got sent back to him with two orders on it. The first order said the Change of Address had not gone through yet and to deliver it to the old (that is, my current) address. An overlaid sticker said it was "NOT DELIVERABLE AS ADDRESSED" even though the address was correct with the additional line "UNABLE TO FORWARD". It wasn't supposed to be forwarded yet you fuckers! Now I wonder if those other two bills were returned to their respective senders. Thank goodness for online bill payments or else I'd've missed two payments so far. Three for three USPS. Three for three. At least the reasons for fucking up my mail delivery have been unique each time. Novel frustrations are considerably less boring than repeated ones.

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