Saturday, April 16, 2011


"Hot N Cold" by Katy Perry

I think this serialized entry has finally run its course. I'm having trouble coming up with more titles or at least, I'm having trouble coming up with songs which have that certain je ne sais quoi I'm looking for which is roughly (but not always) songs that I unlikely to like because I am clearly not the target demographic or that I like them but they are fairly weird. I don't know. I have an idea for a new series of music video entries but I need to work on it because considerably more thought is required for the choices. I'll try to get to thirty for this one but if I can't without stretching credulity, then I will end it sooner.

This is the only song I like by Katy Perry. I like the musical hook in the chorus of "California Gurlz" but not the song and quite frankly it would not surprise me to find out that hook is actually a sample because...why be original when you can use someone else's hard work and profit off it? But "Hot N Cold" is a catchy little number that's easy to get into. It's hardly high art but then, the song wouldn't qualify for this list if it were :-)

1 comment:

Vachon said...

Although I clearly do not like the song as much as the fangirls in the YouTube comments section of the official video :-)

Katy Perry really has the crazy eye. I feel like she would joyfully slit your throat and then lovingly cradle your decapitated head in her lap afterward. The groom in the video missed his one and only chance to escape ;-)

And to borrow a statement from Jon Kyl that was later run with to hilarity by Stephen Colbert...
#ThisCommentWasNotIntendedToBeAFactualStatement ^_^

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