Thursday, August 5, 2010


     How many goddamned sites do I have to be a member of these days? Everything's an impedence to communication all the sudden.

     Want to send a message? Just sign up for "Friend Connect" and then you'll be able to post one right away! Fuck that! How about a link and I can send a message? I'm getting real tired of this shit.

     I know the days of the "Wild West Internet" are waning. Soon we'll likely have to pay for all our content like we do for our cellphones and our cable. It won't be so bad, really. Remember when cable was still fairly new and the idea of paying for television was deemed absurd because you could get it for free over the air? Now people look at you funny if you don't pay for cable. The internet will be the same. It'll mark our age to future generations when we talk about how it used to be a free-for-all.

     I'm just really hoping against hope that this multi-signup thing isn't part of the deal. I know there's this new trend to have a single log-in site now (I imagine it is a furious competition that Google will likely win). I have to admit I'm suspicious of it. It reminds of the old TV/VCR combo-sets they used to offer. The only problem with that is if one broke down, the whole thing became worthless. The analogue to that is why I'm leery of single log-in sites. If that log-in gets compromised, the EVERYTHING gets compromised. But I have digressed...

     Seriously, stupid internet sites. Cut it out. I'm a member of Allow me to send messages to those who have actually decided to follow me without having to sign up for a whole new service. My password load is already quite heavy.

     I still wonder what it would feel like to come home to find all the dishes had been washed... That'd be nice...


poo said...

Well done! xo

Vachon said...

Thank you. I'm guessing this means you'll love the next entry :-)

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