Friday, August 13, 2010


     I have this bizarre allergy. I don't even know if it's correct to call it an allergy.

     I've been to an allergist before. I have had the scratch test. The only thing I react to is cat dander. Now before you conclude that this must be the answer, cats don't make me sneeze nor do they make my eyes water. I've lived with cats and can be around them without any problems. It's only if I am scratched by them that I get a reaction. The area of the scratch wells up rather noticeably and becomes itchy but it ends there.

     However, I do get days where my eyes are pouring forth tears (which generally don't drain out my eyes but rather out my nose) and I'm sneezing multiple times in a row (like three to seven times) all the while accompanied by this unending itch in only my left (or occasionally only my right) nostril. That itch is the start of the cycle.

     The itch causes my nasal lining to swell which in turn creates tears which in turn drain itchily out my nose which in turn prompts sniffling which in turn results in multiple sneezes which calms me down for a few minutes until the next inevitable itch which restarts the cycle. Avoiding sniffling results in tears dripping out my nose and that itself also itches. There's no way to win and the longer I go without sneezing, the more powerful they are when it happens again anyway. In other words, the typical allergic response.

     The weird thing is my nose is actually clear during these periods. Usually I have a slight, constant stuffiness. When the sneezing gets bad, it feels as though air is touching a part of my nasal lining that normally does not get touched by air. Once I get that feeling, I know I'm doomed. I've noticed that the medicine aisles of pharmacies sell DEcongestants...I really wish they would sell CONgestants because that's what I really need because pinching my nose shut does nothing. :-)

     The trouble is, I have no idea what it is in response to, yet I know how to cause it. I don't do it on purpose, but if I don't get enough rest for three or more days in a row, it happens...always. It starts with a lot of yawning (duh), which results in me tearing up. Those tears drain and I sniffle without incident for a while but then after that first sneeze, it just builds to its peak. A good night of rest is all it takes to end it but I'm usually hours away from that option when it happens. It's the weirdest thing. Either I'm allergic to a protein/salt in my own tears or I'm allergic to not getting enough sleep. It's ridiculous. Maybe I should scratch myself with a sterilized needle dipped in my tears to find out :-)

     The sneezing is the worst. I don't know why, but my body insists on hurricane-force, LOUD, spraying sneezes. I've always envied those girls who had those cute choo! sneezes... You'd think after the 1,017th sneeze, that the body would kinda get that it's not working but no... All I wanna do is score the delicate lining of my nose when I get this way. What is it about allergies that gets me thinking so medievally?

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