Friday, August 27, 2010


     My roommate has been unemployed since March of this year, happily sucking off New Jersey's ample unemployment insurance teat, and only as of this month actually (barely) seeking employment. It's been a really frustrating experience considering how brutally hot this Summer has been. Had he been working, I could've been enjoying the relative coolness of the living room but no, I've been confined to my fucking hot room with a fan blowing hot air on me.

      In desperation, he has posted an ad on Craig's List as a "masseur"...we all know what that means. He's actually gotten responses and has been happy as fuck (so to speak) that he has been able to earn money in this manner. He ecstatically points out that he will now have no problem covering next month's rent...hooray! (what about the other eight months?)

      Now, if you were chronically broke because you've had difficulty holding down a job for whatever reason, what do you do once you are again employed? Do you vigorously save your cash because your next bout of unemployment may be merely months away or do you decide to celebrate by taking you and your not-quite boyfriend out to dinner? He's been living paycheck-to-paycheck (unemployment check-to-unemployment check) for a long time now not because he's been terribly unlucky in the job market but basically because he's terminally stupid when it comes to money matters. He had a decent job for an entire year earning slightly more than me. He has no savings from this job to draw on, even before he was fired. He pissed it all away fiddling away like some Aesopian grasshopper rather than taking on the role of the ant. I've even found out that he owes his best friend thousands of dollars -- for years now -- of which he has paid back exactly nothing...but he's got the money to take his fuckbuddy out to dinner, to buy expensive gifts for his now ex-boyfriend...what an asshole to treat his friend like that. Not even token repayments to show that he intends to do the right thing. It's like he's waiting for a windfall rather than be responsible about it.

      I'm also getting wind that he is thinking of moving out in January like he can just walk away from a lease without consequences. I really don't want to sue one of my friends for money owed but he clearly has no idea how a legal contract works and seeing as how he has made no effort to repay his other friend over the years, trusting him to an oral contract would be an act of utter stupidity on my part. How retarded do you have to be to think you can renege on a contract like it's no big deal? Holy fuck... I really don't want to sue him but he really needs to grow the fuck up and if me doing that causes him to do so, then maybe that will make me a good friend to him after all.

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