Wednesday, June 20, 2012


     This idea is not entirely original, but nevertheless, I would like to see it done. Malcolm in the Middle did a version of this when Reese found out that Malcolm's sort-of nerd friend Cynthia had developed breasts over the Summer. Reese came up with this elaborate plan which would result in him touching her boobs. Malcolm attempted to thwart his brother, but Reese was always one step ahead of him until Malcolm, in a fit of frustration exclaimed in front of Reese and Cynthia, "What's her name? (starts at 17:04)". Malcolm finally exposed Reese for who he was and as usual for the show, it ended badly for both of them.

     Now what I was thinking was a movie-length version of this rough idea. A rom-com if you will where a man falls in love with a woman and through happenstance never learns her name. I think we've all been in this situation where we've forgotten a person's name and we end up relying on some stroke of good fortune to find out because asking is embarrassing. I remember one girl in college who followed me around but whom I wanted nothing to do with so I never asked her her name. This did not stop her from talking to me and for an entire year until one of my later friends ended up meeting her and I overheard the introduction, I had gotten by on "you". It's amazing how far the 2nd person pronoun can carry you.
     Since this movie would nominally be a comedy, I'm guessing standard absurd conventions may take place preventing the character from learning his lover's name. I admit in this modern age this idea would be difficult to pull off. The movie might have to be a period piece taking place in whatever pre-cellphone, pre-internet era is currently popular.

     The thing is, I don't want the fact that he never learns her name to be the focus of the movie or its jokes. I want his not knowing her name to be the twist and something that the viewer isn't picking up on. I want these characters going through a relationship and having it never occur to him that he's never used her name nor has he heard her use her own or a friend because, like I've said, "you" can carry one very far in conversation. Done well, what I would like to see is the man proposing to her and realizing in that moment, he has no idea what her name is. And remember, other characters can speak her name, just not in front of the man character, but like I've said, I don't want his ignorance to be convoluted.
     As for whether or not the movie ends happily or unhappily after that point, I haven't decided... I also admit the idea of such a relationship progressing to engagement in such a manner is extremely unrealistic so a compromise, that it's a whirlwind romance taking place over a few days might be better. It would also allow for a sad ending with the woman pointing out the fantasy of his love for her to him (don't quote me, but something like, "How can you love me as much as you claim if you never even bothered to get my name?").

     Okay, I'm done. Steal this idea!

DISCLAIMER: To anyone reading this, you are welcome to not only use, but claim this idea as your own without giving credit to me. I sometimes have ideas, but I do not have the skills needed to express them. It is more important to me to see these ideas done than to receive recognition for them. That being said, giving me a mention anyway would make me giddy. If this idea has in fact already been done, then I strongly suggest you not actually steal it (at least not without major revisions) :-)

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