Thursday, September 29, 2011


      Fairly dumb, but I think one of the reasons I like cats more than dogs is because I know what a cat fucking looks like. I know breeders have turned up some pretty strange-looking cats but the fact is, you really don't see them. The cats that turn up in shelters and which are showcased on TV tend to all be the same size and build. Their fur colors and patterns are a bit random, but it still looks like a fucking cat. They come in basically two varieties - shorthair and longhair - and I rarely see the longhairs. But they all have the same faces and eyes and approximate weight range.

      Quick! Picture a dog. If you were coming for a visit and I told you that I had a dog, until you've seen it, you will have no idea if it is a small yip-yip dog or a gigantic mastiff and anything in-between. You won't know anything about its temperament; its level of energy; etc. Dogs are mysteries. I thought cartoons might be of some help but even they depict breeds. As far as I know, there's no such thing as a generic dog. Dingos maybe? But what do dogs look like if they are free to breed? What is the standard dog build and size? Even people don't come in as many shapes and sizes as dogs do. I can't picture a dog in my head and I've seen several in my life. I draw a blank. I have no expectation of a dog whereas I have one for a cat.

      Even something like "generic dog", the Google results can't settle on an answer. I see a German shepherd, a beagle, and a golden retriever...and that's just dog breeds I very easily recognize. "Mutt" is all over the place too. But "generic cat" turns up pretty much the same basic body plan in all the image results.

      If I had a point to this entry, I have since lost it. Enjoy your fragment...

1 comment:

AmyKathryn said...

Generic dog - brownish, about 50 pounds, good leg to body ratio, long tail, medium to longish fur. My 2cents. Tired.

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