Monday, September 12, 2011


      It seems yesterday, there was supposed to be a terrorist attack, car-bomb style, in New York City yesterday on the tenth anniversary of the Trade Center attacks. (read article here) It didn't happen. Whether this was the result of bad information, the planners getting spooked by the newspapers/heightened security, or that it was actually foiled and information about it will surface eventually, at this time, remains unknown. But it got me thinking, and thinking in ways I often do...

      Shouldn't we be mocking al Qaeda at this point? I mean, they've been reduced to car bombs? What happened to the grand, ostentatious displays? Each attack by this group escalated in both size and daring. You had the first bombing of the Trade Center with simple truck bombs (which were supposed to topple the one tower into the other), the U.S. embassy bombing in Kenya, the brazen attack on the U.S.S. Cole battleship, and finally culminating in the, and yes I will say it, impressive nearly simultaneous hijackings of four jet airliners turned guided missiles on the Pentagon, World Trade Center, and (presumably) the Capitol Building. You can't go back now...that's weakness, not to mention a blow to pride. Car bombs are hack for this group and to use them at all would only reveal their inability to carry out the kinds of attacks they've made a name for themselves with. It's laughable that they even considered stooping to such a level.

      Blame bin Laden if you will. The trouble with the 9/11 attacks is that they were so amazingly amazing that they're difficult to follow-up on in terms of scale. I'm not saying car bombs don't represent serious threats to lives and property, but my, how far you've fallen al Qaeda...

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