Friday, September 30, 2011


      After putting that (over)thinking, reasoning part of my brain into a temporary shock coma, the compulsion to respond to that profile became irresistible (-ible, not -able? Really? huh...). I did so fully expecting no response. A response is not the goal...merely some sort of proof (for myself at least) that what I had read, had truly existed. I figured one good turn deserved another so I responded thusly, and without explanation:

[for those of you who have never seen Babylon 5, the part of Abbut was originally supposed to be played by Gilbert Gottfried so read his lines in that voice - Talia can sound like any woman speaking in a professional, business-like tone - and Kosh sounds like a wise-old sage who speaks slowly and arrogantly]

Talia: Ambassador Kosh, is there something I can do for you?
Kosh: I wish to engage your services.
Talia: For what?
Kosh: Business.
Talia: What sort of business?
Kosh: Important.
Talia: Ambassador, I'd be happy to assist you, but there are certain details that I must know before taking any commission, not to mention getting clearance from --
Kosh: All arranged, as is payment. We will meet in Red 3 at the hour of scampering.

Talia: Ambassador Kosh, all of the clearances seem to be in order and the pay is very generous. However, there is something I still don't understand.
Kosh: Understanding is a three-edged sword.
[Enter Abbut]
Abbut: Oh, Kosh, you old dog! You didn't tell me you were bringing a date.
Talia: I'm Talia Winters, licensed commercial telepath, Psi Corps rating P-5. I'll be sitting in on the negotiations on behalf of Ambassador Kosh.
Abbut: Ah. I'm a 23, myself. A good number. Call me Abbut.
Kosh: Please scan Abbut. Report to me his thoughts at present.
Abbut: Oh, goody! Nothing like a good mind scan to clear the old processor.
[Talia scans him, and looks confused]
Kosh: Miss Winters?
Talia: He has no thoughts at all. It's as if his mind were empty.
Kosh: Excellent. We may now begin our business. Abbut?
Abbut: Crab... Nebula...

Kosh: Then the willows must scuttle carefully.
Abbut: Does Saturn have rings?
Kosh: The talks are over for the day. We shall commence again tomorrow at the hour of longing.
Abbut: Suits me.
[Exit Abbut.]
Talia: Ambassador! Ambassador Kosh!
Kosh: There is a question?
Talia: Yes. I've been scanning Mr. Abbut all day, and his mind is still just as empty as when we started. And these phrases that you keep speaking in, they don't make any sense.
Kosh: Ah, you seek meaning. Then listen to the music, not the song.

Talia: Ambassador, I've thought it over, and I don't believe that I can continue with this assignment.
Kosh: Your belief does not enter into it. We have a contract.
Talia: I know that, but you don't really need a telepath.
Kosh: What is need compared to the path?

Abbut: A herring is just a herring, but a good cigar is a Cuban.
Kosh: A stroke of the brush does not guarantee art from the bristles. Do you understand, Miss Winters?
[Talia sees images, which frighten her so much that she screams.]
Abbut: You were swell. Maybe we can have that Jovian Sunspot sometime. Kosh, old boy, a pleasure as always. Let's do lunch soon.
[Abbut hands Kosh a data crystal. Exit Abbut.]
Talia: What was he, and what was on that data crystal he gave you?
Kosh: Reflection, surprise, terror. For the future

I think your profile put me into a meditative state... That part of my mind which overthinks, went to sleep for a time. I only wish I were in need of insight at the time...I would have been sure to have found it. That being said, the site was cute.

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