Tuesday, August 30, 2011


DISCLAIMER: I fully admit I think too much about inconsequential things :-)

I've never really been a fan of the "Rate This Girl on a Scale of 1 to 10" and not because I find it sexist or anything. I actually think such a scale could be a useful tool if we were all on the same page with it but we're not. I mean, it should be a Bell Curve, right? Most people should fall somewhere in the middle of this arbitrary scale and yet they do not. Have you ever heard someone get a 5 or 6 and not feel insulted? Any site dedicated to this type of rating system shows far too many people on the 7 and 8 end of the spectrum suggesting that the scale should just be "Rate This Girl on a Scale of 5 to 10" but then I'm left wondering if grade inflation would hit a scale reduced that way as well.

As worthless an endeavor as it sounds, I've actually given thought to this stupid scaling system and wondered if it could be made not more sensible, but more useful even though no matter how thoroughly such a scale might be presented, it will remain ultimately subjective. Its value might lie in being around like-minded people which could then permit helpful comparisons. And yes, if I actually believed for a moment that people would actually read the instructions beforehand, I would happily create a website devoted this scaling system.

I guess graphically, my scale would look like a parabola with the lowest point at 5 and two asymptotes at 0 and 10. In reality, my scale is 1-9 since it lends itself to three groupings of three. 0 and 10 are declared off the bat as impossible to attain. The way I see it is if you are so ugly that to even accidentally gaze upon your visage would turn a man to stone, then you would be a 0 and if you are in fact the physical incarnation of beauty and love, then you would be a 10. That leaves these three groups of three, (1-3), (4-6), and (7-9), defined as follows:

(4-6) : AVERAGE
[4 = below average : 5 = average : 6 = above average]

The vast majority of girls would fall under this category. Roughly described, a girl who is Average is neither attractive nor repulsive. You recognize that this girl could conceivably be attractive to you, but is missing that certain something to push her over that threshold. And the opposite is true too, in that she could be repulsive, but she isn't. She neither arouses your senses nor punishes them...norousal, if you will. It sounds awful but the fact remains that most girls will produce that "meh" reaction.

This part of the scale is the one most subject to daily variation. An Average girl dressed frumpily might feel more like a 4 that day whereas all dressed up could easily be considered a 6. She might have a very pretty smile, bumping her up a grade...or you find her haircut unattractive, so she gets dropped one. Average girls vary more probably BECAUSE they are average. Since you are neither attracted to nor repulsed by them, you are more susceptible to their nuances.

[7 = attractive : 8 = very attractive : 9 = extremely attractive]

This end of the scale is where a girl creates a natural pull around herself to the observing guy. Basically, the more strongly you feel that pull, the more desirable you find her and thus the higher up the scale she goes. Now, unlike the average of the Average part of the scale where most girls are likely to be 5s, the average for the Attractive part of the scale is the low end, the 7, not the 8. Plus, the attractiveness has to be natural which is to say, even if she were dressed frumpily or otherwise not trying to impress, you would still feel the pull. A girl can only be a 7 once proven a 7 so one-time sightings aren't helpful nor are single photographs limiting this scale to girls you see often enough to rate and celebrities since they have extensive public records.

[3 = repulsive : 2 = very repulsive : 1 = extremely repulsive]

This end of the scale is where the girl creates a natural push around herself to the observing guy. The more strongly you feel that push, the lower on the scale she rates. The average end of the Repulsive part of the scale is a 3. Like with the Attractive end, you would have to feel that repulsion steadily. I'm also talking about natural ugliness too, not something that is the result of an accident or mutilation. I've found this part of the scale to actually be rarely encountered which makes it perversely fun when one is actually seen. I've seen so few that I've never bestowed a 1 on any girl. 2 is as low as I'm willing to go for want of examples whereas I have bestowed 9s on a handful of girls.


Most girls are actually this because simply they are either too young or too old for consideration; have been disfigured; are retarded; you're related to them; or simply because you don't know. That last one may sound strange, but it's not as odd as you may think. Unlike Average, where you know you could potentially feel something for the girl but don't, an Unratable is a girl not only for whom you feel nothing towards but for whom nothing can be felt. And no, the palpable disgust you feel if asked, "Would you have sex with (insert unratable name here)?" does not mean you therefore find them Repulsive

For instance, I'm generally attracted to White and Asian girls (Korean and Chinese Asian primarily), somewhat attracted to certain Latina types, but decidedly less so with the other races and ethnicities. That's not to say it's IMPOSSIBLE for me to find a Black girl Attractive...I have...but it's a rare event so Black girls usually end up unrated simply because I don't know if they are pretty to me or not. A man who is very into Black and Asian girls may find himself in a similar quandary with White girls.


Of course nothing is ever easy. There are things that I refer to as "Plus (or Minus) Ones" that can influence a decision. These are things which influence a Perceived Grade but don't change the natural one. The Natural Grade is what I have been talking about so far - it's the grade the girl gets when stripped of all other variables. Factors are what I alluded to in the Average part of the scale. They are variables that influence the girl at the moment and occasionally over time. They can be both positive and negative like:

  • The Outfit (a girl in a bikini will likely temporarily rate higher than the same girl in a business suit)
  • Sexiness (a very je ne sais quoi quality which cannot be determined from photography - sexiness is an in-person attribute only and almost always positive. It is roughly described as the way a girl carries herself)
  • Attitude (another in-person quality only - can be positive or negative)
  • Hotness (a girl who is hot is a girl you want to fuck - the stronger the desire, the hotter she is and you don't even have to be attracted to her. It is related to sexiness in that it is difficult to divine the feeling's origin. Strangely, you might not actually know a girl is hot until you find one you really want to fuck but can't figure out why)
  • Cuteness (basically, a pleasing demeanor. It's like sexiness but approached from a different vector)
  • Personality (basically, how you react to her from a verbal standpoint)
  • A Disappointment (like she doesn't speak your language, covered in unattractive tattoos, or she's a drug addict, etc.)

This one girl I used to work with is decidedly Average. I'd say she's a Natural 6, but she's sexy as hell so I was attracted to her, but that didn't make her a 7. No, she was a 6+1 (In other words, she's a Six who has the effect of a Seven.) She's Attractive because she's sexy, otherwise she'd be Above Average if viewed only in photographs. My Best Friend I would say is a Natural 8, but her attitude stinks making her feel more like a Six than an Eight. In photographs, she's Very Attractive; but in person, she pushes you away.

Oddly, positive influences don't help with Repulsives...they actually make things worse. A Three who is sexy does not become a Four or a Five. A Three who is sexy might actually feel more like a Two because you feel a visceral disappointment from finding that positive attribute in her. Positive attributes in Repulsives thus fall under the disappointment attribute. It's a cruel world but it is not limited to the low end of the spectrum, the high end can be negatively affected too if one Aspect is out of proportion to another.

Since men are more visually stimulated, the woman gets broken down visually into their respective Aspects:
  • Overall face (from sub-groups such as eyes, nose, lips, and smile)
  • Overall hair (from subgroups such as color, length, and style)
  • Overall body (from sub-groups such as legs, belly, breast size, butt, etc.)
  • Body-type (bony, slender, average, overweight, fat, obese, etc.)
  • Race (Black, White, Brown, Red, and Yellow and sub-groups like Germanic, Slavic, Korean, Thai, sub-Saharan, Pacific Islander, Native American, etc.)
  • etc., etc. etc. (yes, I wanted to make that a bullet point)

There's a lot that goes into it. A woman's Natural Grade is only an average of these factors if they are all roughly in proportion. Anything way out of whack will result in a negative visceral reaction caused by the selfish perception that the woman has ruined herself as the result of something or other. Yes, who am I to judge, but gut feelings don't give a fuck about logic or reality. The male mind genuinely feels like it has a right to dictate how women should look and carry themselves. That is not to say we necessarily want to act on these feelings nor does it mean we believe that we have the right to, but we feel it nonetheless. Men are possessive about women at a gut level...deal with it.

I've noticed this a lot with me for Asian girls who tend to average Very Attractive bodies (originally used "hot", but I want to stay consistent with terms here), but Average faces. Basically, you can't have an 8 body and a 5 face and not expect visceral disappointment. If you have an 8 body, you need a 7-9 face. Likewise, having an 8 face and a 5 body is equally disappointing. A 5 body with a 5 face is desirable outcome; with a 6 face, she positively influences her body; with a 7 face, she starts negatively influencing her body through disappointment; and a 4 face will be influenced by her more attractive body and thus overlooked. So basically, a deviation of one can be good or indifferent, but a deviation of two or more is very likely to be problematic unless that deviation is a fetish (like if you like large breasts, odds are you won't notice she's less attractive than you think she is).

The Asian girls I've been most attracted to have tended to have more average bodies. So for guys like me, Asian girls who let themselves go a little bit actually become more desirable. I'll use the porn stars Katreena Lee, Asa Akira, Tinah Star, and Evelyn Lin in simplified examples to illustrate the points I've brought up since it's easier for me to discern these things with Asians (don't know why, but it is).
  • Katreena Lee is an example of everything in proportion to me. I'd say she has a 6 body with a 6 face and since I've seen her in action (not talking about that action here!), she gets a +1 Sexiness making her overall Attractive.
  • Asa Akira is an example of out of proportion. She has an 9 body but a 6 face creating some disconnect. I wanna be attracted to her but am negatively affected by the dissonant attractions. An example of "better from behind". (how often have you had that disappointment in life? Did you ever see a good-looking body but when she turned around, she had old face? That one's the worst: it's shockingly disappointing :-) )
  • Tinah Star is a rarity for me in Asian girls. She's naturally high-ranking. She has easily a 7 body and a 7 face and she gets a +1 Cuteness.
  • Evelyn Lin is an example of a neutralized negative. She has a 7 body and a 5 face which should be disappointing but she has a +1 Cuteness going for her, neutralizing the difference.
(click to enlarge)

"Okay, I'm gonna go proofread and post so I can eat something and get some sleep," he wrote four hours ago before deciding to turn this entry into a linkfest. Maybe I'll add more later. The main lesson I've learned from this post is that it is surprisingly difficult to find pictures of adult film stars in a state of undress that isn't nude (to better show off the body Aspect). I'll post later after resizing.

And I hope you, my dear reader(s), have enjoyed this latest trip through my insane mind :-)

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