Wednesday, August 17, 2011


      The MUZAK station at work was playing Lady Gaga's "Born This Way" the other night. Yeah, yeah, I know, the song sounds an awful lot like "Express Yourself" by Madonna, but that's not what I was thinking about as it played. The song is a gay anthem, the latest on what I am sure is a long list. But I got to thinking... doesn't the gay community have enough anthems from the pop music category? The gay community's rather accepted in the places that listen to Lady Gaga. The inroads they need to be making are in the mid-west and southern parts of this country. Wouldn't it be better to have Country/Western gay anthems in an effect to spread kindness and acceptance throughout the country instead of merely limiting it to the coastlines and cities? I dunno and then again, it's not like I can be helpful here and offer up just such a song with a strong likelihood of going mainstream (for Country/Western audiences at least). Whatever, enjoy some Lady Gaga...

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