Saturday, March 26, 2011


"Never Gonna Give You Up" by Rick Astley

For honest and for true this is not a joke. I actually do like this song. It reminds me of a night back in college that only damage to my brain could cause me to forget. And yes, I was surprised to find out that this voice was produced by a skinny white boy.

Clicking on the title link will bring you to the literal version of the video.


AmyKathryn said...

Is this an allusion to a connection I'm going to feel guilty about not making?

Vachon said...

If by allusion, you mean one of the songs I remember playing on my radio while we were hanging out in my dorm room then yes :-)

AmyKathryn said...

Ok. I thought it might be something along those lines, but I know it was oldies when we hung out in my room :) (I think...)

Vachon said...

We never hung out in your room. I was just outside it and wrote on a whiteboard on the door but did not come in. I might have just changed the station while we were hanging out. "Another Saturday Night" is THE song as far as I am concerned but that song is by no means shitty and undeserving of this increasingly-difficult-to-come-up-with-new-examples series of entries. :-)

AmyKathryn said...

I stand corrected. All the rooms looked the same anyway :) (I'm having an "I feel old" moment...I don't FEEL like I'm that much older than those days, but just realized that that would have been over 12 years ago! *sigh*) As for you IALTS, you know you love "I'm a Barbie Girl" :)

Vachon said...

Oh thank you! I had forgotten about that one. You're so right. Good, now I have enough songs for another three weeks. :-)

I get those "feeling old" moments more often than I'd like to. It doesn't help that I work in a place that employs people who were born when I was in 10th grade. Ugh... I'm running out of years before I'll be working alongside someone born in 2000. That's when I'll truly feel old.

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