Friday, March 4, 2011


      Some e-cards is a fun site posting links that make me giggle daily be it their inane cards or just some random article. Today, the site posted this link regarding an allegedly cheated-on girl selling her now ex-boyfriend's stuff that he left behind on E-bay posing provocatively and semiclad in many of the pictures featuring his items because her boyfriend of FIVE (emphasis mine) years didn't like her dressing sexy or revealing when they were out on dates.
a portion of the relevant listing on ebay

      Are girls really this fucking stupid or have I merely had the "misfortune" of meeting only strong-willed women all my life? I mean, what the hell?!! I understand context so if the boyfriend had a problem with her dressing sexy and/or revealing at a funeral (or any place with a dress code), I would totally get it. However, anything else where how you dress really doesn't matter, shut the fuck up you controlling prick. Who the fuck are you to tell your girlfriend how to dress especially when I would put good money down on the idea that that's what made you notice her in the first place. Sorry, but your girlfriend was never only hot to you. If you're dating a hot girl, expect her to be constantly checked out by other men (and some women) because like you, other guys aren't fucking blind. In fact, revel in it...take pride in the fact that yes, now you're the ugly guy with the hot girlfriend after all these years of wondering what some other girl saw in "him"...but don't try to fucking control her in an effort to keep that hotness all to yourself or simply just to be an oppressive asshole.

      But as for the girl, who the fuck are you?! If you have a problem with how your guy thinks, find someone else who appreciates you (and how you [presumably] like to dress) for you. Something tells me you won't have a hard time doing so. Yes, it looks like a seemingly trivial detail, but all big things start small. Good general advice (some exceptions apply): If someone is telling you can't do what you like to do anymore; spend time with the people you like spending time with, that's your first clue to get the fuck as far away from these people as you possibly can. "Oh but he LOVES me!" Really? You're not a fucking dog who needs to be trained. You're a grown woman. Stand up for yourself! Being a control-freak is not a sexy masculine trait! Ugh...

       Is this why all the assholes have no trouble getting laid? Cuz women are fucking stupid? I really want to respect women, I really do. I see no reason not to treat them as equals. But stuff like this makes me wonder why I bother feeling that way at all; why I bothered to pay attention to those films I had to watch in school as it clearly has gotten me virtually nothing except "You're such a good friend"... Blech...

ADDENDUM: I enjoy how in the article this woman claims to not be "a vindictive person by any means, but when you spend five years of your life [with someone and they] do that to you, it started out as a way to get back at him". can't claim to not be a vindictive person and then do something that is PRECISELY vindictive you nimrod! Ugh...

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