Friday, March 11, 2011


      I probably should have mentioned by now, especially given my numerous rants on this subject, that my roommate has finally gotten a job. From what I understand, this is a commission-only job, so whether this will be a paying gig remains to be seen. I have wasted no time enjoying my roommate-free mornings in this apartment. If only this could have been the case during that hot-as-fuck Summer we had last year.

      It's time now for me to seek a new, hopefully affordable apartment, in this area. I can't let this lack of domestic contribution on his part go unanswered nor can I afford to overlook his eleven months of far-more-than-less deliberate unemployment. It sucks, especially since I have actually been able to save money living here with him. Who knows if that'll ever happen again. And to think, when we re-upped the lease last year, I was delighted to know I would have twelve months of stability and that I would finally be able to spend some money on myself after watching my every dollar for the past two years but that would get cut off rather quickly. At the time, he was only unemployed for two months. Surely a job was soon to be had... Oh hindsight!

       I've got some numbers to start calling when I'm off next...AFTER I clean the bathroom because (and I don't know why I persist in this optimistic fantasy of mine) I know there is no chance in hell that he will clean the bathroom this week and AFTER I clean the kitchen, living room, and dining room because why the fuck would he do any of those rooms either? Alias TBD is right, since I am his de facto maid, I should at least be getting paid for it. I don't want to live alone, but what choice do I have? And I don't say that because I don't like being alone: I'm alone most of the time. I think comedian Bill Burr said it best:

ADDENDUM: Well, turned out that job was a bust. He had it for all of two days before realizing that it was a "scam" and quit and not only quit, but did so without even telling me choosing instead to simply not be in the apartment when he "wasn't supposed to be". However either through a combination of luck or simply because he shortsightedly dropped his unemployment compensation, he managed to find a new job within a week that pays him a wage. The job is overnight meaning that I have the apartment to myself on my nights off but otherwise he's here like always. Now I'm just riding out the lease and trying to find a new apartment I can afford without cutting my budget to the bone. No matter what it seems I am a mere few months going from decidedly Working Class to Working Poor. Yay...

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