Thursday, December 30, 2010


      I got a considerate sickness recently. Considerate in the sense that the cold at least waited until after all the Christmas celebrations were over to manifest. It was a weak one notable mainly for its slight fever on the first day and sickly sneezes the following day.

       It was on this following day that my body decided that the best way to fight this sneezy infection was to COMPLETELY cut off my ability to breathe through my nose. While this may have helped limit the spread of my infection, it in no way helped prevent me from sneezing. Sneezing, while annoying, at least is tolerable so long as nothing obstructs the sudden outflow of air. Oh, that's right. My nose was all stubb'dubb meaning it popped my ears every time I sneezed.

       I guess I ruptured my eardrum on one of those sneezes since my hearing is noticeably worse in my right ear. Still waiting for that to heal. Good job immune system!

        My nose remained severely clogged for the next two days meaning I slept with my mouth open. I think that resulted in the normally harmless bacteria in my mouth dying off and allowing more infectious ones to take their place as I am now coughing...a lot...and in that way that suggests the early stages of bronchitis. Bronchitis is one of those fun illnesses that doesn't get soundly defeated by the body, more like it simply fades away as it is slowly overtaken.

        Way to go immune system! Your efforts to fight off a one (or two day max) cold just may have gotten me sick for the next month. You're so awesome!

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