Saturday, December 25, 2010

I ACTUALLY LIKE THIS SHIT, part XI (Christmas edition)

"Wonderful Christmastime" by Paul McCartney

This song gets shat on with some regularity whenever "annoying Christmas song" lists get generated. I've always loved this song. Unlike other Christmas-themed songs released in this modern age, this one feels like a genuine addition to the pantheon of Christmas songs like "Silver Bells", "Sleigh Ride", etc. It's simple, folksy-sounding, and easy to learn...all hallmarks of Christmas songs.

But I think the Pavlovian response I have to this song is what keeps it near and dear to my memory. Every Christmas Eve, we'd have the big Christmas celebration by Nan's house when all my Mom's side of the family would gather. Generally my brother and me kept away from the adults as kids and I continued doing this even as a teenager because I'm kind of a dick like that. But CBS-FM would be playing on the stereo downstairs playing holiday songs. I'd just be watching TV or whatnot with my brother, but once "Wonderful Christmastime" started playing, it suddenly felt like Christmas and that smile would appear either on my face or at the very least in my mind. I haven't had that kind of Christmas since 2000. It's been a long time. In 2001, an estranged uncle whom no one was on good terms with dropped by suddenly putting a damper on the festivities. 2002 Nan was in the hospital and 2003 she died two weeks prior. So now there's a hint of sadness of times long past in that song, but the spirit remains and for that, I'm glad.

Merry Christmas!

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