Thursday, December 30, 2010


      I got a considerate sickness recently. Considerate in the sense that the cold at least waited until after all the Christmas celebrations were over to manifest. It was a weak one notable mainly for its slight fever on the first day and sickly sneezes the following day.

       It was on this following day that my body decided that the best way to fight this sneezy infection was to COMPLETELY cut off my ability to breathe through my nose. While this may have helped limit the spread of my infection, it in no way helped prevent me from sneezing. Sneezing, while annoying, at least is tolerable so long as nothing obstructs the sudden outflow of air. Oh, that's right. My nose was all stubb'dubb meaning it popped my ears every time I sneezed.

       I guess I ruptured my eardrum on one of those sneezes since my hearing is noticeably worse in my right ear. Still waiting for that to heal. Good job immune system!

        My nose remained severely clogged for the next two days meaning I slept with my mouth open. I think that resulted in the normally harmless bacteria in my mouth dying off and allowing more infectious ones to take their place as I am now coughing...a lot...and in that way that suggests the early stages of bronchitis. Bronchitis is one of those fun illnesses that doesn't get soundly defeated by the body, more like it simply fades away as it is slowly overtaken.

        Way to go immune system! Your efforts to fight off a one (or two day max) cold just may have gotten me sick for the next month. You're so awesome!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


This is a partial quote from this article on by OldCrankyBroad:

There are lots of reasons why the Really Olds engage in this behavior, but mostly they are the same reasons that anyone engages in that kind of behavior: anger, frustration, fear, and a resultant need to control.

They are angry and frustrated because all opportunities in life are gone forever, and they know it. They are angry with themselves for mistakes they made in their life, and frustrated that those mistakes can never be corrected. They are angry because most of their friends and loved ones are already passed on, and frustrated that they are still here, either alone or mostly alone. They are angry and frustrated because they can no longer do what they want to do. The list goes on and on.

Furthermore, once you get to a certain age, and your health is gone, there really is nothing to look forward to but severe illness and death, which could come at literally any time. The Really Olds are therefore also very afraid, understandably so, and they many times deal with that fear of the unknown by taking strict control over what little in their life they still can control. The end result of that frustration and anger, combined with fear and a resultant need to control, is bullying. This is true whether they are bullying their caretaker, or other senior citizens.

How relatable...even to someone who is considerably younger than a senior citizen. I was old before I was young...

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


      I had this bizarre thought the other day for a creepy explanation as to the origin of Santa Claus. Santa's an elf as are his workers. Not the Tolkien-type elf of course, just some generic one. I'm not even sure if Santa has pointy ears as they tend to be hidden in his hair and cap. Of the many problems inherent in the Santa story, what of these elves? And Mrs. Claus always felt like an afterthought or someone shoehorned in later to the story to help reconcile certain things.

      Santa is posited as a magical being so what if the whole workshop thing were more like a bee colony? The elven workers are generally portrayed as male and they can be, it's not really important but they never seem to have real families, more like master/apprentice type relationships. What if they are all of the same mold and Santa is their queen? Santa is so fat because he is full of elf eggs (or larvae) which he lays and they subsequently hatch into worker elves. These elves are incapable of reproduction like worker bees. They're born knowing what they need to do and perhaps like bees, rotate through various duties.

      Santa is generally considered immortal and he may very well a concept. Santa might eventually grow old and need to be replaced. At this point, a new Santa Claus queen might be born using a version of royal jelly, but of an elven variety as well as Mrs. Claus drone. The two mate, Mrs. Claus, having fulfilled her purpose then dies. And the new Santa Claus, full of elf eggs, takes over the duties of being the queen of a new horde of elf toymakers. The old Santa either dies, is killed, or wanders off into the cold North Pole lands to succumb to the environment and the tradition continues.

       While this doesn't explain the ultimate origin of Santa Claus, it does provide a sufficiently creepy tale to tell increasingly disillusioned children, no? ^_^

Saturday, December 25, 2010

I ACTUALLY LIKE THIS SHIT, part XI (Christmas edition)

"Wonderful Christmastime" by Paul McCartney

This song gets shat on with some regularity whenever "annoying Christmas song" lists get generated. I've always loved this song. Unlike other Christmas-themed songs released in this modern age, this one feels like a genuine addition to the pantheon of Christmas songs like "Silver Bells", "Sleigh Ride", etc. It's simple, folksy-sounding, and easy to learn...all hallmarks of Christmas songs.

But I think the Pavlovian response I have to this song is what keeps it near and dear to my memory. Every Christmas Eve, we'd have the big Christmas celebration by Nan's house when all my Mom's side of the family would gather. Generally my brother and me kept away from the adults as kids and I continued doing this even as a teenager because I'm kind of a dick like that. But CBS-FM would be playing on the stereo downstairs playing holiday songs. I'd just be watching TV or whatnot with my brother, but once "Wonderful Christmastime" started playing, it suddenly felt like Christmas and that smile would appear either on my face or at the very least in my mind. I haven't had that kind of Christmas since 2000. It's been a long time. In 2001, an estranged uncle whom no one was on good terms with dropped by suddenly putting a damper on the festivities. 2002 Nan was in the hospital and 2003 she died two weeks prior. So now there's a hint of sadness of times long past in that song, but the spirit remains and for that, I'm glad.

Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 20, 2010


      It's that time of year again for the so-called "Christmas Wars" and neither side does anything for me. I like Christmas, don't get me wrong. But where you may be getting ME wrong is in what I mean by "Christmas".

      For those of you who know me, I am irreligious. I also celebrate Christmas. Is that a contradiction? No, it isn't. It would only be a contradiction if I celebrated the Mass of Christ. I celebrate Commercial (or American) Christmas.

      Christmas is both a religious holiday and a national (Federal technically) holiday. If there's anything unfortunate about that, it's that they share the same name. They are different holidays and you can celebrate one or the other or both.

      And it is here where we meet the first of the two sides of this Christmas War debate that I can't stand: The Conflationists. The Conflationists are people who insist that commercial (or folklore) symbols like Santa Claus, flying reindeer, decorated pine trees, candy canes, giftgiving, Frosty the Snowman, stockings, glittering colored lights, etc. are somehow connected to the religious observance of the birth of Jesus Christ. They're not. They have NOTHING to do with one and other. These are usually the people who are suing their local towns and boroughs over their Christmas displays or the fact that they're even using the word Christmas saying that they're offensive to their religious beliefs or that it violates the separation of Church and State. It doesn't. Those are secular symbols of the national holiday of Christmas. If anything, you're offending me as an American by trying to get rid of such displays. Commercial Christmas is for everyone of all faiths, creeds, races, and ethnicities. The holiday's cool like that in the same way that Thanksgiving, Independence Day, and Veterans' Day is to name a few. Commercial Christmas has evolved a bit over the years but it is every part of American tradition as is Thanksgiving. We may deride it for its crass consumerism, but it is still a holiday about family and generosity to others (even if it's only reserved for people you know). The fact that "Christ" is in the name is merely a coincidence as far as I'm concerned. It would probably be more rightly referred to as "Yule" but the songs have already been written so deal with it. Commercial Christmas can be celebrated by Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Shintoists, atheists, and everyone else I've left out because it's an AMERICAN holiday. You celebrate the coming together of family and goodwill towards men as AMERICANS, not as Christians and whatnot. So, to all the Conflationists who ignorantly insist that Santa Claus is somehow Jesus in a red suit...shut the fuck up. You don't know what you're talking about and you're only hurting people with your rhetoric. Now if there's a Nativity scene or a menorah or other religious symbols in this public display, that's different and yes, on the basis of the First Amendment, such displays should be removed from public lands.

      The other side of the debate are The Shoehorners. These are religious Christians (and to a lesser extent Jews) who will offer up convoluted explanations for the commerical symbols of Christmas to show that they are in fact, religious symbols before arguing that we need to return to a purer observance one of the high holy Christian holidays. They are essentially the same as the Conflationists but are coming at the argument from a different angle. Instead of seeing two separate celebrations, they see only one and feel that the birth of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ must be a part of it (or in the case of the menorah displays, that we have to show regard for all religions or none at all). Sometimes it's really crass too. If you haven't heard the song in a while, give a listen to "Santa Claus is Coming to Town". However, the Shoehorners don't bother me nearly so much as the Conflationists because at least they're not trying to take away from people's celebration of Christmas, they just want those celebrations in the public square to be of a more religious nature (and not even necessarily a wholly religious one - it sometimes really feels like a "Hey! Don't forget about me!" nature). The problem that arises from this group is that their ignorance of (and possible refusal to accept) the national version of the holiday only serves to fuel the fiery passions of the Conflationists.

      This all follows along basic historical trends. It's been pointed out many times that the birth of Christ could not possibly have happened on December 25th. The descriptions in the Bible tend to point more towards sometime in March. The truth is, we'll never know. Early Christianity was not particularly concerned with birth days. The important day was the day a saint was martyred or ascended into Heaven. Jesus's birth wasn't even celebrated early in this country. The Puritans didn't care for it and early Congresses even met on Christmas Day and thought nothing of it. The reason that the birth of Christ is celebrated when it is was not based on ignorance but rather strategy. All the old pagan religions put significance on the solstices and equinoxes. The Winter Solstice festivals were particularly important as it was a celestial bottom. The days from then on would grow longer and warmth would soon return. Now if you're a relatively new and easily persecuted religion, you don't go around celebrating your festivals on conspicuous days and conspicuous here will be defined as "you're the only ones celebrating something". No, you do it when something else is going on or you co-opt symbols in those festivals or both. For the Vernal Equinox, they were serving pastry buns already so putting a drizzle in the shape of a cross won't hurt. It's both branding and artistic. Celebrating the birth of your Lord and Savior during Saturnalia (Rome's Winter Solstice festival) helped to not make you stand out so much which is important when you're not in a favorable position with the State.

      The same thing would happen again later but this time with the commercial version. It too co-opted an existing holiday and placed their own symbols in it alongside it so as to brand itself. Considering the holiest of Christian holidays, the Resurrection has also been commercialized and symbolized with a hare bearing decorated eggs, it could very well have been business interests trying to widen their sales bases back in the day. And like with Christmas, this holiday has its Conflationists and Shoehorners too. That I honestly don't know and am truly speculating...but then, so are all my rants here: unresearched rambling :-)

      Either way, stop telling me I can't celebrate (Commercial) Christmas in schools and public squares you unAmerican douchebags!

ADDENDUM: I suppose it could also be argued that there must be two separate Christmases anyway since it is in fact a Federal holiday and has been so since 1870. If the First Amendment prohibits the Federal government from endorsing any particular religion, then the Federal holiday of Christmas must be a secular one or else it would be unConstitutional, right? That's my story, and I'm sticking to it. :-) Even though it was very likely that it was rooted in the Christian holy day, it has clearly since changed. "In God We Trust" was added to this nation's coins in 1864 for clearly religious reasons, but the motto has since been ruled to be a form of "ceremonial deism" which is considered to be not a religious endorsement by the Supreme Court. So the way I take it is that something can start off on the wrong foot in this country, it can come to mean something else, and then later not be judged for its original intent but rather by its current meaning. Therefore, American Christmas is a secular holiday which can celebrated by all.

Merry Christmas EVERYBODY °<|:-D>

Saturday, December 18, 2010


"Abracadabra" by Steve Miller

Although a far cry from Steve Miller's better known compositions, I still enjoy this very '80s-sounding tune. The video fades out the music at the end which is really just more of that repetitive droning synthesizer beat. Based on some of my recent posts on this subject, you'd think I'd really be into dance music, but you'd be thinking incorrectly. :-)

Friday, December 17, 2010


      It turns out my roommate owns a space heater. It's been cold in these here parts for the past few days and he stays up all night. Every apartment I've ever lived in goes easy on the heat, even turning it off, in the middle of the night when normal people are sleeping and won't likely notice. But my roommate doesn't sleep at night. He stays up all night watching DVDs and working on his various writing projects although I don't know if it's fair to call them projects seeing as how he is not actively seeking to have any of them commissioned. It's more like a form of masturbation I suppose in that he desires to please others with his work but in the end winds up only pleasing himself.

      There's nothing wrong with that in of itself but since it is his dream to work in the television industry writing, producing, and possibly directing...but definitely writing. However, since he is not actively employed in any capacity by that industry either paid or intern nor is he actively seeking such employment (or any form of employment for that matter - temp agencies that haven't come through in ten months don't count!), it seems kinda weird to me to boast that this is what he wants to do yet doesn't do it in even the slightest way possible.

      Before I get accused of being the pot calling the kettle black...yes, I have dabbled in the creation of a language but even at the height of my craziness, I have never once believed that it would be spoken by anyone except me. If my notes on the language DON'T immediately and matter-of-factly end up in the garbage upon my death, I will be surprised (or rather I would be if it were possible for me to feel anymore at that point :-P ). Yes, I have my eccentricities but I don't go about thinking anything will come of them: not my language, not my planetary systems, not my made-up cultures, not my BASIC programs, not my created Doom levels, not my journals, nothing. In the garbage, deleted, or forgotten...I know that's how it'll be, but they bring me joy and that's all that matters. :-)

      Anyhow, since my roommate stays up all night, not only is he asleep during the mornings and early afternoons when he could be out looking for work, he's also awake during the cool-down period. Instead of doing what normal people do and layer-up (or complain...complaining would actually be more normal thing to do than layering up), he pulls out the space heater and fires it up...on maximum of course because why test it at the lowest settings first. much for our electric bills going DOWN in the winter if this keeps up. That thing uses more power than the air conditioner and like the air conditioner, it is yet another appliance I get to pay for and don't get to benefit from (times like this I really wish PSE&G would show an hourly breakdown of our usage). And again, is he using the space heater in his room with a much smaller area and watching DVDs on his laptop? No! That would be sensible but instead the desk in his room bears his old desktop computer which he uses to watch porn on instead of discarding the unit. Of course, with all the shit he has on his bedroom floor because he doesn't clean his room, I guess that'd be risking a fire. A constant output of 1500 watts doesn't spin the meter too much, right? What the fuck man?

       Nope, just a toasty expansive (and doorless) living room for him. Oh, and I just realized that he doesn't close the curtains either when running the unit so he's heating the kitchen and dining room (as well as my room, the bathroom, and his). Has he no sense whatsoever? He's thirty fucking years old. I can't believe I'm actually going to have to bring this up to him like a fucking parent. I don't want to be his parent!!! At some level I don't care that he's using the space heater but then again I do given his lack of consideration and the fact that the cord to the unit was UNDERNEATH the unit...exactly where it's not supposed to be. I'm surprised I haven't found it melted to the carpet yet. Again, perspective. It could be a LOT worse...he pays what he owes although he still doesn't do his fair share of work around here. He's constantly violating the implied oral contract that he do 50% of the domestic workload (not on a daily basis, I'm talking more over the course of a month it should be 50/50). Speaking of which:

      He actually washed his dishes this morning...but only moments after I got home. I'm glad he knew enough that I do the dishes immediately upon getting home. I was fully prepared to be annoyed that I would be washing his cheese encrusted pot and plates from his taco-like meal two days ago. I ate leftovers yesterday. Not needing to cook meant I could observe those dishes over the course of days (yay..). I haven't actually surveyed what he's done. Somehow it wouldn't surprise me to go out there later and find that he didn't wash them all. He's done that before, curiously leaving pots unwashed on the stove like they're not part of the dishes. (Thank goodness for non-stick pans. I can't imagine what life was like before them) Ugh, I'm glad to know he's spending his time unemployed productively around the apartment. This all gives me hints as to what it's like to be a parent...
Yay! Two day old dirty dishes!

       And the crazy part of all this is that I still occasionally consider re-upping on this lease if my roommate actually manages to find gainful employment before it ends. I really have to keep shit like this in mind when I start thinking lazily like that. I wish I could afford this place on my own. I really like it here...

      Okay, enough bitching for today...

ADDENDUM: To be fair, the space heater thing never became an issue. Once the heat came on full force, we were actually keeping the windows open because it would get so hot in the apartment.

Thursday, December 16, 2010


     For those of you on my mailing list. If you wish to be removed, simply message me to do so. Also, if you wish to comment on my entries, please visit the blog site itself. Responding to the e-mail the site has sent you will send it to an account I infrequently use. Thank you and thank you for your continued readership! :-)


      I find myself wavering lately on Digby. I don't know if this is yet another example of me being afraid of success or a bid by my mind to commit a kind of emotional seppuku. They seem equally valid possibilities given both the history of my confidence and my history with her.

      Yes, I do tend to get apprehensive when facing success (or anything new generally) and while I'm sure I've talked myself out of my fair share of things I've desired, I do know that once I get past the tipping point of potential to kinetic energy, that I find myself adapting quickly and coming to like what it is I am now doing. However, it's also true that I have asked her out more than once before. I asked Digby out, she accepted, and then (I'll be generous this time) she got cold feet and never showed.

      When confronted, she had no real answer for why she did so and would never look me in the eyes while dancing around her non-explanations. She's never told me off to my face nor has she actively discouraged me from continuing to try. The closest I ever got was an IM session where she used the "we're completely different people" thing which came across similarly to her roundabout explanations from her getting cold feet. It's strange. I would think the common advice would be to simply give up and walk away; that it's not worth it. Yet, I can't help but feel that she's afraid...not afraid of me, but afraid of...let's say life or feels that she's undeserving of happiness. She's clearly depressed and I do see the way I think when I'm down in the way she acts and reacts. I wish I weren't at work when talking to her so I could concentrate my efforts on her instead of always looking over my shoulder for any managers seeing me not at my station or simply not working. I also feel compelled to apologize to all those who have dealt with me in my down periods. I see now just how frustrating it is when seen from the other side. Thank you for being patient with me...

      Still, despite my projecting onto her sadness, I can't help but feel I'm trying to hurt myself as well. I have three examples of her rebuffing me so why exactly am I attempting a fourth? That has me puzzled as well. Am I right about her? I'm certain that the answer is yes, but what exactly is the question I'm asking? Am I right that I can get her to accept me into her life or am I right that I'm attempting to deliberately hurt myself again because I already know she will hurt me again? Never forget, despite the fact that I feel better now [read: for the time being] does not mean that I am comfortable feeling this way. I've spent the greater part of my life being used to failure in one form or another. I can't help but feel my current feeling good is more a cover for something more nefarious.

      I felt my thoughts about her wavering earlier this week. My thoughts feel like a Fun House's Hall of Mirrors where I can reflect upon my thoughts; watch them interact with each other and be distorted by the influence of my desires, intentions, concerns, and virtues. The source of the wavering felt like a gap in the mirrors and through that gap, it feels as though I can perceive in that darkness the man behind the curtain. Perhaps there is nothing there, but it is a place upon which I may project my fears and the lack of a reflection from that gap does nothing to quiet them.

      I don't know what will happen next but I can't say that I'm happy with the two choices currently available to me which are quitting her or risking another long down period from openly pursuing her. It's truly a time I wish a third option would present itself to me. I wouldn't mind a distraction from my current goal with Digby, but no one has come about in the three years and five months since I've first become attracted to her. It would be nice to come under the influence of another.

      I would take that feeling in of itself as a sign that I should simply quit her, but I can't help but feel that this feeling is also that test of faith and that I mustn't back down just yet.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


      I can only assume that my roommate's job prospect did not pan out as he is still here keeping the couch warm and the TV from being lonely. He had a call for an interview. I can only presume that he went out for it, but was ultimately not offered the job. Oh well. At least he's been sleeping at better hours (from my perspective) so I've caught up on all my television finally but where oh where can this job be? I'm selfish and I want to pretend this apartment is mine and mine alone every least for a little while.

      I've been walking taller for the past week or two now and standing up straight when not in motion, looking ahead rather than down, all in a position as recommended by Anonymous's Life Hacks: a position which in fact, does make me feel more confident for some reason. Perhaps not coincidentally, the lowest part of my back has begun to hurt since assuming these positions. How ironic that a more confident posture would yield back pain. It makes me wonder if I've been keeping my head down for more reasons than simply low self-esteem.

      I've found some old NES and SNES emulators recently that actually work rather well. Some games like Star Soldier (NES) and Bubsy in Clawed Encounters of the Furred Kind (SNES), both obscure titles, don't emulate well or at all which sucks as I learned to enjoy those games on my still functioning original systems. They make good companion pieces to MAME32, an arcade machine emulator which brings back far too many childhood memories of Showbiz Pizza. I've noticed they actually sell original NES and SNES controllers with grafted USB ports. I'm thinking of purchasing them because the keyboard is not always the best way to control certain games.

      I've made my last half dollar purchase for the year at my bank. I got one 40% silver half out of $200 in halves. I'm starting to think the 90% ones I used to find somewhat regularly until mid-2008 is an era that's passed. I won't give up but it's been frustrating. I managed to get four 90% pieces this year: two Walkers and two Franklins. Impaired proofs are some random finds that I've been enjoying. I've gotten enough to justify labelling a Whitman folder in the hopes of completing the set someday. We'll see about that provided my bank doesn't cut me off by ceasing to order half dollars for its customers.

Saturday, December 11, 2010


"Mama Used to Say" by Junior

No matter how many times I hear this song, I've always loved it. What an addictive beat!

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Taken from this article on Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis blog:

"When someone is honestly 55% right, that’s very good and there’s no use wrangling. And if someone is 60% right, it’s wonderful, it’s great luck, and let him thank God. But what’s to be said about 75% right? Wise people say this is suspicious. Well, and what about 100% right? Whoever say he’s 100% right is a fanatic, a thug, and the worst kind of rascal."
[preface to Nobel Prize-winning author Czeslaw Milosz's The Captive Mind]
Also, please to be enjoying the Daily Show video within the article.


      I've been feeling whole again lately. My confidence is or is nearly restored. I'm walking tall and looking ahead rather than at my feet. I feel great. I feel even greater that I'm able to be around and talk to Digby as well. I've even been able to get her to smile and laugh genuinely. It's been wonderful. I have to be with this girl. It's a shame she's so depressed. She thinks so lowly of herself. I don't know what she's going through outside of her usual daily stresses but I do understand how she feels being depressed myself. She's a kindred spirit in that regard. Digby doesn't even think she's pretty let alone beautiful as I see her. It makes me sad to know she thinks like that. It's like she has a martyr complex or something. She tells me she doesn't want anyone to "save her". I don't want to "save her": she doesn't need to be saved. I just want to be with her in good times and bad and all that other stuff.

      I've failed thrice before to get with her. I'm back and feeling like myself again and with that in mind have been slowly and subtly speaking to her and getting her comfortable with me again. I don't know when I'll "strike", but it's inevitable that I will. I've already been seeking allies. So far I have only one I can count on and The Mystic counts as my moral support. Redmom (should I just use initials at this point? It's gonna be tough keeping up after a while...even for me!) has been talking to her at my request when I'm not around (and even when I am...just not in front of me). I'm having her gather information both useful and psychological and I'm also having her hug Digby at least once a night when we're all there. Believe me, I want to do it myself but I'm still not convinced she wants me touching her. I'll have to feel her out one day soon and see how she reacts.

      When I see Digby, I'm reminded of a scene in Babylon 5 when Reverend Dexter is talking to Captain Sheridan about Delenn. Sheridan isn't comfortable talking about her yet so the Reverend tells him a story:

Rev. Dexter: You know, before I got married, Emily used to come by sometimes and help me clean out my apartment. Well, I asked her, "How come you're so eager to help clean up my place when your place is just as bad?" She said, "Because cleaning up your place helps me to forget what a mess I've made of mine, and…when I sweep my floor, all I've done is sweep my floor. But, when I help you clean up your place, I am helping you."

      That's how I feel about Digby right now. Don't get me wrong, I want her very much to dedicate her time to me but I know that that's just not possible right now. She has a lot going on...a lot on her plate; but that doesn't mean I can't help her out. Right now I would be happy knowing that I have a place in her heart and that my waiting for her will not be in vain. I've been attracted to my fair share of girls over my years, but never like this. I must not fail.

       But the whole reason for this post was actually a very simple one. Redmom takes the time to talk to Digby as I've already said. She asks Digby if she has noticed how happy I am that we are working together again. How she makes me smile. How despite her negative assessment of her looks that I either don't notice these negative things or that I instead favor the "whole package". Redmom isn't actively namedropping me. It's more like she's grooming her to the idea of me which is what I want. It's my job to actually ask her out (again). But now, thanks to Redmom, I have a reason to smile presently at Digby rather than channeling a smile by thinking of us together in the future. Redmom got Digby to admit that she finds me attractive. Oh fucking yes!!!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


      The latest round of political bullshit going around is what to do about the expiring Bush II-era tax cuts. Personally, I say let them all expire. Not just the top 2%...EVERYBODY. This country is deep as fuck in debt and there's clearly a vacuum of political will to make the hard decisions necessary to put this country's financial house in order (which would be a collection of both tax increases AND spending cuts affecting all areas of the budget including each side's sacred cows like Social Security benefits and the military). Now is not the time to extend those even-at-the-time inadvisable tax cuts...we can't afford it both financially and politically. But for now, fuck the financially part, it's the political part that's actually pissing me off...a lot.

      President Obama's proposal of extending the tax cuts another year or so for those making less than $250K a year and allowing those cuts to expire on those making more already WAS a compromise bill but the Republicans will have none of this. They want the tax cuts for everybody while not simultaneously proposing which programs would be cut to plug up the massive deficit which would result if this were to be done. The Republicans aren't offering a counterproposal...they aren't offering ANYTHING. It's their original position...period. They're like children throwing a tantrum. Either President Obama and the Democratic party does it the Republican way or no way at all. That's not compromise: That's a bullying tactic and it's sickening and the fact that President Obama is urging the Democrats to give in to this atrocious behavior provided they get an extension of unemployment benefits is just fucking sad. The President was quoted as saying (and I'm paraphrasing here) that the American people need to know that their taxes won't be going up next year.

      How about you play politics with this one? How about you point out the hypocrisy of the Republicans by going on record as saying you will veto any spending bill that isn't Pay-Go which is every new expenditure must be paid for either through a tax increase or a spending cut elsewhere1. That way you force the Republicans to talk about how they would plug up the nearly trillion dollar deficit that would be created by extending these cuts. How about you point out that the Republicans are fighting awful hard for 2% of the country and are willing to sacrifice the other 98% to do so. I dunno. Anything, ANYTHING other than giving in.

      Personally, I say let them all expire. Our taxes and I say "our" because I cannot believe I will ever have a reader in that elusive 2% bracket will not rise that much. The news points out about $1000 a year for the "average" American. I don't make "average" wages but if I did, that's $20 a week. For me, it'd likely be $10 a week. I can swing that and I already live pretty close to the razor's edge. I hate both the Democrats and the Republicans but seriously, fuck the Republicans. I can only hope these newbie Tea Partiers recently elected will muck up the system with their misplaced idealism. I'm waiting desperately for this party to pay for its propaganda.

      President Obama really needs to call their bluff and simply refuse to go along with the Republican strategy which seems to be "fuck everyone". He really needs to grow a pair of balls. I've lost all my respect for him. Sometimes I really wonder why the Republicans hate him so much when he so readily goes along with their ideas in the name of "bipartisanship" which these days really just seems to be defined as "whatever the Republicans are doing". The President seems like the most Republican President we've ever had.

      I'm already convinced the pussy solution of "give the Republicans what they want" strategy will ultimately prevail. It's just so frustrating and depressing to endure...


1 not actually my idea. I read it in a comment on here specifically this one but I'm going with it.

Saturday, December 4, 2010


I can't say that I'm a big fan of Jewel. She's more someone I learned to respect as an artist as I had heard more and more of her songs over the years. She debuted (for me anyway) with "Who Will Save Your Soul" which got enough radio time to become annoying. I've had enough time away from the song to like it now. My Best Friend was briefly really into "I Was Meant for You" playing it over and over again. I don't like that the radio only plays the live version of this song. The studio version has a slightly quicker tempo and is more upbeat sounding. She had a bunch of songs that fell flat with me like "Jupiter" and "Foolish Games" but I did take a liking to "Hands" and especially "Standing Still" which I personally think is her best song. Right after that album, she released 0304 which was done in a very different style. I imagine it was not well received by her fans much like Liz Phair when she worked with The Matrix songwriting team. However, despite that, I like this song. It's catchy even if it doesn't sound at all like a Jewel song.

"Intuition" by Jewel


      I'm reading the comments section for a article titled "Bridalplasty: The New Reality Show That Proves We're Doomed" by Daniel O'Brien and stumbled upon this gem by stueymon:

Hey I've got an idea for a great reality show!

It's called "Chance For Life"

Twelve patients with a fatal condition that could be solved with a much-needed organ transplant compete to win the affections of a convicted serial killer on death row to win his love and upon his execution, one or more of his organs.

Put simply, when they win his heart, they win his heart.
(I corrected his spelling and grammar for the purposes of clarity)

(CoronaryThief) You could well be on to something there...
(i.nuthead) WIN!
(AaronRaymer) I hate the fact that I'm almost certain you could get this on the air.
(NinjaJeph) Of all the reality television out there, this is the one I would watch.
(danraynard) Awesome!

A later comment referred to this article about a television show that could never get produced called "Time Travelling Sex Offenders" which was also full of win.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


      While 4chan is rightfully described as a hive of wretched scum and villainy with a soft side for cats, that does not mean it is incapable of moments of perfect beauty. In the sea of chaff that is /b/, I came across this diamond.

--- LIFE HACKS ---

Never, ever hide your interest in a girl. That being said, don't make it obvious.

Be manly. Don't give attention when they ask for it. Be a challenge; be mean in a fun way; don't care too much; don't give them all your time; and don't give them all your attention. Don't focus all your energy on just one girl.

If they "Friend Zone" you, stop talking to them at once.

If they cheat on you, leave them at once and never think back on it.

If you joke around too much and they get butthurt, use "I can make it up to you, I give great massages" or hug her.

Never explain yourself. Apologize ONLY when needed. Never doubt yourself, EVER.

Believe in everything, every fucking thing you ever do. Visualize and plan what you want, do it. Don't doubt yourself, ever.

Confidence will get you everything you want. Confidence works with girls, dogs, interviews, even for getting friends. Fuck, you can even use it to get away from cops. Confidence is a virtue which you MUST have. It is a fucking need.

If you want to talk to a girl, go up to her and say "Hi." If you have doubts, destroy them.

"What if she laughs at me...?" Then don't dress like a faggot, don't talk like a faggot, and don't act like someone she'll laugh at. You have a brain, use it. Plan, think, believe in your plan; act on it.

Think of what to say, don't just ask everyone. Being lazy is easy; being lazy won't get you anywhere. Don't be the person who gets everything handed to him. Be the man that gets whatever he wants.

Stand the fuck up and get what you want. Women want men; not boys with emotions. Women want men that will change the world. The world wants men that will change it.

Never ask for permission: "Do you want to...?" Always assume that they do. Change the question into an order. If they can't or don't want to, they're still going to reject you in the same way. The only difference is you came across as more assertive.

"Do you want to do something this weekend?"
                               Change it to
"I'm free this weekend. Let's hang out and have fun."

Look them in the eye when they talk to you. Don't shift between eyes...pick one and stick to it. When the topic changes or when you start talking, it's okay to break contact for a few seconds, but maintain it when you're talking. If it's something sexual, don't you fucking dare break eye contact!

Smile every now and then ever so slyly. Don't know how to make a sexy smile? Pretend you're about to fuck the shit out of her.

Always stand with your feet shoulder-length apart; hands with thumb in the pocket and the rest of the fingers pointing towards your crotch. It's sexual and confident; better than hiding your hands in your pockets or just leaving them out there awkwardly.

When you walk, walk slowly and confidently. Look people in the eye as you walk. Don't you DARE look at the ground at any time ever.

When sitting down, lean back a little; be casual and spread your legs a little more than shoulder-length. Don't cross your arms unless you want to come across as uninviting.

Laugh loudly but don't laugh at everything. Make her work for your attention.

Don't spam them with texts. Don't call them unless if it's to meet up with her. If she calls, talk to her; but if you feel the conversation dying out, end it by saying you have something to do. Lie if you have to, but be smart about it.

If she does something awkward or weird, point it out and make fun of her for it. Don't overdo it and make sure it's at least a little funny. Women laugh easily.

No sudden head movements. Move slowly and confidently. Walk as if you own the place...always. Take up space.

Touch her. When you're walking, push her jokingly. Move her using your hand on her lower back. Open doors for her; guide her away from water or gross things that she might walk in to. Always be on the "dangerous" side of the road, be it cars or sketchy people. Make her feel safe and protected.

If it's cold, give her your jacket; don't ask if she wants it. If she's shivering or says, "I'm so cold," take it off and put it on her. Don't ask; don't say anything; do it.

If you think something she said is wrong, TELL HER. Women respect men with opinions. Don't agree with everything; actually talk and discuss with her.

If they talk about their ex, give them cold body language and/or quickly try to change the topic. If it's something sad, say this: "Hey now, we're having fun. Let's not share sob stories." Be prepared to quickly talk about something else. Always have at least five backup stories in case the conversation goes stale. Leave sob stories for later in the relationship.

Don't settle for women with low standards. If you're genuinely not interested, find someone else.

Don't do the whole "FUCK FATTIES AND WORK YOUR WAY UP". No. You only deserve the best. Hotter women are easier and usually bigger sluts. It's shocking but true.

I have plenty more if anyone is interested.

Oh I am. Too bad there weren't any more to be found... I seriously want to memorize this list. I have some disagreements with some points, but I don't think I can knock the assertiveness angle and how to stand/sit. It feels right. I must stop being so meek!