Monday, December 7, 2009


I was just on the phone with Best Friend and it led into another argument. When I mention my friends and family don't like her, she understandably gets defensive but quickly becomes a regular Torquemada demanding specifics for why she isn't liked. I can't provide specifics because I generally don't remember them. I remember the "echo" of the situation. What matters to me is the behavior, not the specific example. I don't know how to prove to her that she's bigoted and likely racist; but I've recognized the behavior from the examples I've heard in the past. I've pointed out that the majority complaint I get about her is that my friends/family don't like the way she treats me/that they feel like she takes advantage of me. Again, no specific examples but I do have the sense of entitlement behavior understood.

      So, as the title of this entry suggests...any takers? You are welcome to spew your venom here without fear of retribution. But I do request specific examples so at least I can arm myself for our next, inevitable confrontation. While I don't intend to use any of your names, you can assume that she's smart enough to figure out who you are. I'm kinda working on the assumption that none of you honestly care if she likes you or not and that none of you are actually seeking her friendship. I wish more of you on here have met her... Every job she's ever had, she's never been liked. You can forgive the first and second ones as simply bad luck, but you've established a pattern by jobs three, four, five, and six. You guys here are about as close to coworkers as one could hope for. So by all means, speak your mind. :-)

ADDENDUM: I was just thinking. I mentioned how I remember only the "echo" of things. My mind is very analytical by nature. I care about the behavior more than the event probably in the same way that a mathematical proof is more important than a single (or even many) examples. I guess you could think of my mind as a kind of improv troupe: Once I know the behavior, you can toss out situations and churn out the appropriate response. Give me an emotional state, a place, and a situation... :-p

(originally posted to That Other Journal on December 7, 2009)

[a comment received]

From Roommate: I dunno, man. I mean, there's not much I can say here that I haven't said in person. Mainly, it's that she not only says shitty and stupid things, but the tenacity with which she defends them. I'm sorry, maybe this is wrong, but I'm of the belief that if you're spewing offensive crap about a particular group of people and someone says "Hey, I'm part of that group," you should apologize and shut up. When she was here the other night, saying all this very racist stuff, it was like walking onto the set of West Side Story, and the fact that she said it all very calmly rather than foaming at the mouth with a hate sign doesn't make it any better. In fact, it kind of makes it worse. Look at Lyndysty, that chick who was all into Vir. She was a fucking sociopath and a massive racist, and it wasn't lessened just because she talked about it matter-of-factly with a dazzling smile. She is, in my view, very willingly ignorant, and that makes it impossible for me to respect her and massively difficult for me to like her. And then there's how she treats you. She comes over here and acts like a fucking Diva. Not that I mind terribly lending someone my pillow, but I'd rather have lent it to you, who didn't even have one since you were SLEEPING ON THE COUCH. She just seems like a very shallow, selfish, narcissistic person, and she doesn't deserve you

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