Tuesday, December 22, 2009


"Do not multiply entities beyond necessity"

This is, of course, Ockham's Razor. It has also been put as "the simplest explanation is most often the correct one". It is a useful maxim to live by and one that I attempt to employ whenever possible. It has very likely contributed to my apostasy which began in steps when I was as young as 10 and before I'd even heard of this quote. It has also taught me to be aware of confirmation biases both in myself and in others. In other words, do I believe the information being presented because it is correct or because it fits in neatly with my world view? I would tend to believe that any worthwhile explanation could only conform to Ockham's Razor provided that my belief in its rectitude or falsehood is not required as I would then be that unnecessary multiplied entity.

Kosh's saying to Delenn, "The truth points to itself" I take as a retelling of Ockham's Razor. In other words, the truth does not need me for the truth to exist. The truth simply is... whether we accept it or not.

Have I failed in living up to this maxim? Most certainly. And I will certainly falter now and again throughout my life; but this is a quote that I try my best to live by.

"Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity" is a close second for me.

(originally posted to That Other Journal on December 22, 2009)

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