Saturday, October 17, 2009


     Search and search as I might, I still not have located the artist or title to some song I hear at work. Lyrics searches have proven futile and no one I've spoken to has ever heard of it either. How frustrating! With luck, it'll turn up in search engines eventually; but for now, I'll just have to toss it to you guys.

     I have some lyrics and fragments. This is what I've gotten (not necessarily in this order):

"Something tells me I should skip this drink" (start of the song)
Things could change the moment I (think?)
I don't think they're coming for me ever since I dared to arrive
Until the moment they go away from here
I can't rest my mind
Something tells me this is not a paranoid assumption to be lightly cast aside"

"I've been trying to sleep with open eyes
According to my calculations they'll be here before sunrise
And please don't you look at me this way
You'll find out first hand why
When they come around"

"I don't want to be found here..."

And as soon as they go away from here
We can both learn why...
Something tells me logic's a position I'm certain I'll be wishing was(n't) right"

[inaccuracies in these lyrics are entirely possible but I thought for sure "paranoid assumption" would be enough for a search engine!]

"What's the Name of That Song?" by Sesame Street

ADDENDUM: I contacted Muzak regarding this when I found out they offer help to those wanting to know the name of the songs they hear at stores. I haven't heard back from them yet and I contacted them on November 1st. With luck, this stupid mystery will be over soon.
     November 24th and still no answer. Sigh...

     Well, at least the MUZAK site shows the last ten songs played in one of their windows. If I'm patient, it should show up eventually...

     That patience has finally paid off. The song's title is "Greeting Committee" and it's by a group calling themselves The Pillbugs which I personally find all the more interesting given the sheer number of pillbugs we had crawling around this apartment shortly after the quest to find this song began. One of those cryptic otherworldly won't-figure-it-out-until-it's-too-late kind of clues I suppose. ^_^ I immediately purchased the song online because well, I had to. There was no way I was letting that one go unanswered. So congratulations Pillbugs, you are officially a few cents richer on account of me. If you put "Pillbugs - Greeting Committee" into a Google search, it should come up on a site called LaLa and you can listen to it there. My mind can rest now...

ADDENDUM II: I just got a message from Muzak saying the song was "Rhythm of Life" by Oleta James... WRONG!!! :-P (January 20, 2010)

(originally posted to That Other Journal on October 17, 2009)

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