Thursday, May 24, 2012

      I am no artist when it comes to description and I may very go five for five with incorrect associations here, but there's something about Kristen Stewart's eyes that draws me in. Any girl I've seen with eyes even similar to hers gets the go-ahead to cut to the front of the line and past the bouncers at my Mind's entrance, even though her name does not appear on "the list."
      And it's not the color or her's the way they're set in her, uh...skull(? Yeah, that sounded sexy...) that gets me. Ms. Stewart accents her eyes with a dark shadow which only draws more attention to what I'm trying (and failing) to properly refer to. It's like her eyes have this, I dunno, sadness to them and while admitting this surely will not reflect well on me, I find that appearance of sadness so very attractive. How would you describe Kristen Stewart's eyes?
      Thanks to my amblings on dating sites, I think I've found a few additional examples of Ms. Stewart's eye type or additional examples showing that I don't know what I'm talking about. You decide... :-P
(click on image to enlarge)

"Bette Davis Eyes" by Kim Carnes

Yes, I went there...


Vachon said...

Ian Fortey of described her look perfectly: "...[A] sleepy, unassuming girl who looks mildly annoyed by everything, all the time. She'd blend right in at every mall on Earth."

Read more: I Created Kristen Stewart: An Apology |

Vachon said...

"Time dragged on as I searched high and low through Hollywood. But trying to find a girl who appears confused, intoxicated and in completely over her head in LA is like trying to find two guys with similar haircuts in Beijing." - Ian Fortey

Vachon said...

A commenter named ButtChocolate came up with this diddy.

(to the Dreidel song)

Kristen Kristen Kristen,
I made her out of clay!
Her face is so contorted,
emotions can't display!
People call her dull,
no sparkle in her eye,
but considering she's dead inside,
it should be no surprise!
Oh, Kristen Kristen Kristen,
I made her out of clay!
And if I'm Robert Pattinson,
I should be glad she didn't stay!

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