Tuesday, May 8, 2012


      I think I've built up enough of these to start a new entry series. Y'see, in addition to not being an author, I am also not a writer...or at least not a good one (as this blog no doubt attests). However, this doesn't stop these strange, and what I would hope to be good, ideas from popping into to my head on occasion. I would love to see these ideas developed, but lacking talent of my own to do so, I must rely on the good peoples of the internet to do it for me.

      Here's how it works. I present to you, my dear reader(s), an idea I think worthy of a story or at least worth including in a story be that story traditional literature, a movie, or television series (hell, even a play, who am I to give a fuck?). What you do is, upon approving of its meritoriousness, you fucking steal it...run with it...make it your own. Take the credit too, I don't give a shit (although let's face it, getting a mention in your finished project would be just peachy). I just want to know this idea exists outside my limited mind.

      Seeing as how I recently railed against horror films, I thought my first entry should relate to them.

      Start the film in the middle of the action. Bypass all that shit in the beginning where we spend twenty minutes with jerks and deal with the happy times before the killer/monster/force of evil strikes.
      Jump right into the thick of it, like after the first couple of kills. Have a cast which is already aware that something bad is happening and have the audience figure out, through clues in the narrative structure and/or scenery, just what is going on. Do not provide the solutions for what is going on through clumsy dialogue exchanges between surviving characters. They're running for their lives, not trying to solve a mystery. The mystery element is there for those audience members who didn't necessarily come just to see teenagers getting murdered in impractically fantastic ways. I'm looking for a "have your cake and eat it too" type film that will lend itself to rewatch because you, the curious viewer, are determined to figure out the killer's raison d'être, what these kids actually did to provoke his/her/its ire, and how it was the Final Girl was able to stop him/her/it despite the utter failures of her other, now dead, friends.
      Doing this will require a lot of planning and storyboarding before you actually begin shooting the film, but I think it is something worth doing because at some level, I am a fan of giving the audience homework. Wait on the actual answer for at least a year...let the message boards hash it out first...see if anyone can put it all together first. Done right, even the actors and actresses in the film need not know the mystery behind it.

      It's an idea that's been attempted before in the Babylon 5 legacy series, Crusade. While ultimately TNT forced J. Michael Straczynski to make an alternate pilot, the episode intended to be the first one survives. It was meant to thrust the audience into the thick of things and have them figure it out and it not only works, but is a solid concept. I've been entranced by the idea ever since and would like see it done.

DISCLAIMER: To anyone reading this, you are welcome to not only use, but claim this idea as your own without giving credit to me. I sometimes have ideas, but I do not have the skills needed to express them. It is more important to me to see these ideas done than to receive recognition for them. That being said, giving me a mention anyway would make me giddy. If this idea has in fact already been done, then I strongly suggest you not actually steal it (at least not without major revisions) :-)

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