Wednesday, October 19, 2011


This might be a weekly post for a little while before devolving into a now-and-again one. Since the MUZAK player at work never goes off and the stations get changed frequently throughout the week, I hear a lot of different songs. There's a few songs I really like listening to (and trust me, it's a benefit to be working overnights - a time when the store is quiet and the music can be heard without difficulty) as well as some which I wouldn't normally listen to but can tolerate in the workplace setting thus expanding my musical horizons. And while the vast majority of the songs played I simply don't mind, there's a few which can simply go away. I might hate the song, but ideally, what I want this list to be is of songs which I know are technically good compositionally and maybe also lyrically but have (long since) become tired or otherwise frustrating to listen to from overplay. That's not to say songs I despise won't make this list, but I will try to keep them out.

The first entry I have for this list is "Shiny Happy People", a song which gets played on several MUZAK stations so it's hard to avoid. I think it appears on at least four of the stations played in the regular rotation our managers use. I don't think it's a bad song musically, but if I never heard it ever again, I would not feel as if my life were missing something. Embedding of the video has been disabled so click on the link below the one posted if you'd rather watch what R.E.M. released instead.

"Shiny Happy People" by R.E.M.

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