Friday, October 7, 2011


      I have my opinions on this matter. Those of you who know me surely know them already. However, I was genuinely surprised to have found this comment thread online after reading another article on the abuse of an autistic kid on Gawker. The comment thread of that particular site was typical gamut of how autistic kids need more help/cures/attention/blah blah blah which then devolved into people related their experiences with autistics and the occasional appearance of a troll who invited heaping, uncompromising scorn upon them. But it again left me with the question, why can't there ever be a serious discussion about what to do with autistics (and anyone like retards, pyschopaths, sociopaths, the insane, etc.) who are (naturally) incapable of (independent) lawful participation in society. It seems any instance I could ever find was like those in the Gawker article: trolls.

      However, I did stumble upon this thread on and was surprised to read a five page discussion about this subject. Yes, it did become heated at times but I was genuinely impressed that it remained a discussion bordering on debate into the matter. The thread (read here) clearly does not support euthanasia as an option but refreshing in that it led to an open discussion rather than the KILL THE HATER type flame wars that I usually encounter.

      I want to discuss this thread at length but cannot do so now for want of time to compose. I think it needs to be talked about more, just as a a genuine debate since it is clearly a one-sided discussion in the general media. It's a dark and uncomfortable subject, but I would like it explored, debated, and a compromise forged if only, just because...

1 comment:

Vachon said...

That link no longer works unfortunately. Doesn't surprise me...

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