Thursday, July 14, 2011


      I've been lurking on the 4chan /b/ board for about eight or nine months now and in the past two weeks, after having observed its rough and unforgiving culture, began tentatively posting on the board. A few responses here and there and have posted three threads thus far...two of them successful in my opinion (39 and 159 posts in those two threads respectively). It's a harsh board, but I've begun to see its charms.

      I'm picking up their lingo and getting plenty of laughs from the various thread types that I like following such as the Infothreads and the You Laugh, You Lose ones. The Spiderman image macro meme is by far my favorite that's cropped up in this time and I have been saving some for use later (as well as other macros) and creating a few of my own...some of which get positive responses. I am still very much the "newfag" despite my long observance period, but I don't care. I'm there for some fun, not to become one with Anonymous.

      This being said, I managed to score my first (and hopefully last) banning today for posting in a spam thread. I did not create this thread, I merely responded to it with an image macro that read "This shit again?" as there are many threads of this nature which garner trolling responses like that. I've read 4chan's rules for posting before, but clearly have not memorized them. The ban is only two weeks. I appealed it, but not so much to ask to be unbanned but rather, to acknowledge my error and that I accepted it. If the mods are willing to forgive me, so be it. If I was the victim of someone using a ISP spoofer or whatever it was called when they can randomize their IP address, then maybe I will be unbanned.

      Oh well, lesson learned. The only thing that bugs me about the banning is that I wasn't even trying to get banned. It's one thing if you're being an asshat on purpose, harassing other board members and such, but a banning for doing something on an image board that is so utterly common that it's considered normal kinda sucks.

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