Wednesday, June 22, 2011


      I cleared my e-mail notification list. I suspect eventually this may be noticed. I will restore you upon request.


Vachon said...

I think this is more to make it official for me. I can't help but feel as though I am talking to myself. I suspected this would be so from the beginning and I am happy to have had readers now and again but what comes with readers is the hope of validation through commenting. I don't expect every entry to be worthy of one but it does get disheartening when they appear seemingly anomalously. Better to not have hope so I can blog peacefully than to have it and be disappointed.

Now I don't know if anyone is reading this or not so there's no pressure on you or myself. So enjoy if you are still here :-)

AmyKathryn said...

I always read it in my email, as that's how I know it was updated. I do sometimes stop by, but apparently not in a month ;) so please, add me back to email!!! (PRETTY PLEASE?)

Vachon said...

Okie dokie. Be privvy to my future nonsensical rants and occasional abject depression which, for some reason, I'm finding cathartic to write out here in this blog instead of tucked away, hidden in my offline journal :-)

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