Friday, February 5, 2010

RAN to the DUMB

Do you eat eggs?
Very rarely

Have you ever been to Iowa?

What did you last eat?
Ghiradelli chocolate chips

Do you hold grudges?
No. You need henchmen to hold grudges. ;-)

Have you ever tried illegal drugs?

Do you care about politics?
To a certain extent, but generally no

Have you ever dyed your hair?
No, and I don't plan on it either

Have you ever dated someone way older than you?
That would imply that I have actually dated

Have you ever been in a play?

Do you like clowns?
They're whatever

Does your mom fart in front of you?
Not that I know of :-)

Did you ever trip over your shoe laces?
No, but I had these boots once with these metal things that would hook the loops of my knots every so often causing me to nearly fall until I crushed them flat against the boot with pliers

Ever had your driver's license suspended?

What is your favorite ice cream?
It's a toss-up between chocolate chip mint and the Breyer's one with Oreo cookie bits

Have you ever had a wart?

What do you wear to bed?
Sweatshirt and sweatpants

Would you ever dye your hair purple?

Have you ever cheated on a bf/gf?
This again implies that I have had a girlfriend that I could cheat on in the first place

Do you know what your IQ is?

What do you eat for breakfast?
Cereal or oatmeal

How many children do you want?
Two or three

What is the last book you read? Was it good?
Dennis Miller: The Rants. It made me laugh so I'll say yes

Have you answered all of these questions honestly so far?

Have you ever kissed someone who smoked?
No but it's not from a lack of trying

Have you ever been drunk?

Do you have brown shoes?

Have you ever touched an elephant?
Not that I know of

What is your favorite sexual position?

Have you ever spent the night in the hospital?

Has anyone ever under-estimated your intelligence?

Could you date someone of another religion?
Assuming I'll ever be dating in the first place, it is practically guaranteed that she will be of a different religion from me

Do you have any siblings? Are they older/younger?
Yes and younger

What is one thing that all of your ex's have in common?
They don't exist.

What was your first pet?
Three goldfish: King, Medium, and Tiny. Tiny would swim into the bubble aerator and be lifted near the surface of the tank before swimming away and doing it again. King leapt from the tank once but was saved in time.

Where were you born?
In a hospital...

Have you ever moved to a different state?

Have you ever had your heart broken?
One time badly...eleven times if you want to get liberal about it

Do you believe in soul mates?
I don't believe in destiny like that so I have to answer no to this question

Have you ever lived in a house with a basement?
Yes, several.

Do you have any pets?
Not currently living with me

What cell phone carrier do you have?
Fucking Verizon

Do you like Propel?
I drink tap water. It's stupid to pay for bottled water

Why does it get dark at night?
A lack of sunlight reflecting off the ground and sky...or is this the set-up for a joke?

When you blow your nose do you look at it?
Yes either to see what it was that was bothering me so much or to check for blood

Do you take showers at night or in the morning?
Technically at night but relative to me, it's the morning

Why do people call you the nickname they call you?
Because there was already another person with my name in the group I was a part of in college

Ever thought you were pregnant and you really weren't?
I'm gonna guess that I was not the target audience for this survey...

What's the third text in your InBox?

What is your mom's drink of choice?
I don't know...water? coffee?

Do you still watch kids channels?

Are you listening to anything at the moment?
The Opie and Anthony Show

What was your last phone call about?
I was confirming that I had set up an account correctly

Want to get something off your chest?
Not in this forum

Do you look your age?
No one ever believes that I am thirty-one. They always assume I look younger.

If you could go back in time, where would you go?
That depends on whether or not I would be a visitor or would be inhabiting my body at that time

Anything good happening tomorrow?
Yes, but I am unable to attend cuz I can't do weekend things pretty much ever

Have you ever gone a week without sleeping?
I don't believe that that is even possible to do

Do you walk off when someone pulls a camera out?
No, because that will only draw more attention to yourself

Look to your left, what do you see?
A memory foam pillow in a light blue casing

How many Top Friends do you have on Facebook?
The maximum Facebook will allow me to show: twelve. I wish it could be eighteen.

If someone hated you, would you want to know about it?
Sure. That way I wouldn't be wasting my time on them

Ever pretended to be sick?

Are your parents reasonable?
I would have to say so

(originally posted to That Other Journal on February 5, 2010)

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