Tuesday, February 2, 2010


When was the last time you threw up?
Many years ago. It's a thankfully infrequent occurrence.

What's your favorite word or phrase?
I like words which kinda sound like what they mean (e.g. asinine, irritate, peon, and titillate)

Name 3 people who made you smile today?
I don't even think I've spoken to three people yet...and I've been up for thirteen hours!

What were you doing at 8 a.m. this morning?
Listening the Opie and Anthony Show and responding to Mystic's comments

What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
A different survey while listening to the Opie and Anthony Show

What is your favorite holiday?
Independence Day and its attendant fireworks are all I really look forward to anymore... :-/

Have you ever been to another country?
I was in Canada when I was ten.

What is the last thing you said aloud?
"When they come around" ^_^

What is the best ice cream flavor?
Whichever of the following two are available: Chocolate chip mint or Breyer's vanilla with Oreo cookie bits

What was the last thing you had to drink?

What are you wearing right now?
My dark grey sweatshirt and sweatpants

What was the last thing you ate?
Ritz crackers

Have you bought any new clothing items this week?

When was the last time you ran?
I try not to do that. I'm built for walking, not running. :-)

What's the last sporting event you watched?
I think it was part of last year's Super Bowl or am I supposed to say "Big Game" on here? Ugh...

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
My collegetown so I could take a look around again... :-)

Who is the last person you sent a comment/message on Facebook?

Ever go camping?
Yes, when I was very young so don't go looking to me for survival tips!

Do you have a tan?
You're kidding, right?

Have you ever lost anything down a toilet?

What is your guilty pleasure?
Based on what I own...Cyndi Lauper, The Cardigans, and Merril Bainbridge

Do you use smiley faces on the computer alot?
With 40+% of all text messages ending up misunderstood by their recipients, yes... I use them a lot to give at least some indication of how to read the comment in the even of a misunderstanding. Now if I could only refrain from using pronouns since it has come to my attention on more than one occasion that people do not seek their antecedents before responding angrily.

Do you drink your soda from a straw?
My 20+ cavities highly endorse continuing this practice...

What did your last text message say?
Verizon telling me that my bill is available for viewing online... sigh...

Are you someone's best friend?
I certainly hope so!

What are you doing tomorrow?

Where is your mom right now?
Mom is very likely at work right now

Look to your left, what do you see?
The venetian blind obscuring my window

What color is your watch?
The watch Dad unwittingly gave me is a brassy-golden color

What do you think of when you think of Australia?
Good friends to the United States who don't get nearly enough respect for that fact

Ever ridden on a roller coaster?

What is your birthstone?

Do you go in at a fast food place or just hit the drive thru?
I go in and sit down seeing as how I probably walked there in the first place

Do you have any friends on Facebook that you actually hate?
No...why would I "friend" someone I hate?

Do you have a dog?

Last person you talked to on the phone?

Any plans today?
Laundry, vacuuming, and the LOST premiere

Are you happy?

Where are you right now?
It's the title of a Beach Boys song

Biggest annoyance in your life right now?
Why are the rules for IRA's and Keough's so fucking complicated? They can't be looking out for the consumer...

Last song listened to?
"Greeting Committee" by The Pillbugs

Last movie you saw?
Tora! Tora! Tora!

Are you allergic to anything?
A lack of sleep apparently

Favorite pair of shoes you wear all the time?
My sneakers? But can they really be my favorite if that's all I really have to wear?

Are you jealous of anyone?
I'm sure I am

Are you married?
No... :-(

Is anyone jealous of you?
That'd be the day...

Do any of your friends have children?
Of my close friends, no.

Do you eat healthy?
Probably not

What do you usually do during the day?
Waste far too much of my time on the internet, listen to the Opie and Anthony Show, and eat my dinner before going to bed

Do you hate anyone right now?
I usually don't hate anyone...

Do you use the word 'hello' daily?
Comes with the job

How many kids do you want when you're older?
I'm already "older" and two/three

How old will you be turning on your next birthday?

Have you ever been to Six Flags?

How did u get one of your scars?

(originally posted in That Other Journal on February 2, 2010)

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