Tuesday, February 14, 2012


      Having been on the other side of the equation myself, I find that I feel uneasy going about my business as a funeral procession passes by. I feel like I should be doing something, anything that would indicate to those who happen to see me as they pass by a gesture of respect.

      Having been on the other side of it, especially with a close one like my father, I could not help but notice on the way to the cemetery all the people going about their lives, laughing and smiling and whatnot, totally unaware or unconcerned with our procession. It's not their fault, I understand this. They did not know him anymore than I knew the dead stranger and his/her surviving relatives as they slowly passed on by, but when you're on that side, you can't help but feel a twinge of anger like "how dare they be happy on a day like this!" as you pass by. It makes me wish there were a universally recognized stance and/or gesture which could be made as a show of respect as a procession passes by.

      This may not sound like much of a big deal to most but I happen to live near two funeral homes so this is something I actually encounter more than anomalously. We don't wear hats anymore so that traditional gesture of removing your hat, placing it over your chest, and looking down sorrowfully is out. Without the hat, it would look like I were gawking at their procession out of morbid curiosity rather than what I had intended.

       Just something I wonder about from time to time...

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