Friday, February 10, 2012


      In the comments section of this article on Gawker, missdelite wrote (Line of the Day is in purple, full quote for context):

"Among those ages 18 to 34, nearly nine-in-ten (88%) say they either have or earn enough money now or expect they will in the future.

How nice. How much of this comfort level is due to the fact they're still living with their parents and that mummy and daddy bail them out when they spend their phone money on weed or require vital dental work? Who exactly did the fine folks at Princeton include in their "nationally representative sample"? Most certainly not young people born into destitution whose parents are no better off today than they were 20 years ago. Even if they made a concerted effort to contact those people (doubt it), they never answer the phone just in case it's the collection agent hounding their ass.

Let's face it: we're not dealing with a level playing field here. If you've never woken up in a cold sweat worried you won't be able to make the rent from one month to the next, seen what an eviction notice looks like, had to put up with borderline psychotic roommates cause you can't afford your own place, looked forward to caulking your cupboards to stem the flow of roaches or been forced to do questionable shit to make ends meet, then stfu. Life could be A LOT worse.

In fact, I'd posit that if you live in a comfortable place, can afford food, clothes, transportation and the occasional recreational outlet and you're still not happy, then maybe your problem isn't financial at all."

      I have a couple of friends who need to hear that though I'm not confident they would listen/accept it. I'll have to remember the line and relay it when the opportunity arises.

      missdelite received a lot of negative feedback for this rant but gave me a good laugh with this response to one of the critics:

"... I have to ask: Do you type with your pinkies up? Cause DAMN, you sound pretentious as hell."

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