Friday, February 6, 2009


Write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you.


1. I feel like I see the world through my left eye; the right one playing more of a supporting role

2. I still chuckle at the memory of two Japanese girls coming to my register to buy a box of Nips candy

3. No matter how hard I try, I cannot visualize things in my mind

4. I keep a journal in an alphabet I created in the ninth grade

5. Calvin and Hobbes, Garfield, and The Far Side were my favorite comics growing up

6. I have the loyalty of a dog with the personality of a cat

7. I eat most of my food plain and unadorned...salt and breadcrumbs are about as fancy as I get

8. I've only had regular internet access for a little over a year -- before that, I'd be on only once or twice a year when visiting my Mom

9. I have never been on a date

10. I still have and occasionally play my old NES and SNES games

11. I never learned how to drive and now cannot afford to even if I wanted to learn

12. I listen to the Opie and Anthony Show all the way through whenever it's on as that show is one of my only dependable sources of joy

13. If I look tired, but you haven't seen me yawn...I'm not tired

14. I feel like everyone is better than me

15. Though I mostly only eat Bran Flakes and Cheerios for breakfast now, Trix is still my favorite cereal

16. I don't like when people acknowledge my sneezes

17. Over half the clothes I own I've been wearing since the mid 1990s

18. I don't like change for the sake of change

19. I used to watch the Tracy Ullman Show solely for The Simpsons interstitials

20. I don't act, I react

21. Generic questions (e.g. What's up? or How are you?) get generic answers (i.e. Not much. and I'm okay.)

22. I really wish Nickelodeon would release a You Can't Do That on Television box set

23. The music of the late '50s and early '60s tends to put me in a better mood

24. I have had only four jobs in my life and three of them have been as cashiers

25. I've been sitting at this computer for five hours just to get these out :-/

ADDENDUM: This meme appeared again about a year later. I took it again without checking this one. This is what I put down:

25 THINGS... redux

I. I find hopeless situations to be the most liberating.

II. I feel it necessary to understand the how before you can solve the what.

III. I have neither eaten nor made a TV dinner since June 2008.

IV. I have worked the overnight shift for so long that sunlight makes me sleepy.

V. I don't like travelling farther from home than I can walk.

VI. I recognize people/things when I see/hear them, but I can't remember what anyone/thing looks like in my head...not even myself.

VII. I despise the word "monies". It makes no sense to me. Money is already a plural concept and on top of that, since when does "-ey" become "-ies" in the plural? It's "monkeys", not "monkies"; "surveys", not "survies"; "alleys", not "allies" [which is a different word altogether]; so why isn't it "moneys"? Ugh...

VIII. I feel only pessimists can ever truly be happy. I am an optimist.

IX. When I am feeling sad, I am not a very nice person at all so I keep a low profile until it has passed.

X. I feel context is far too often ignored in criticism.

XI. The planet Mars is what finally got me to start paying attention to the stars while walking to and from work.

XII. I daydream frequently to make sense of my feelings and/or experiences.

XIII. Being my friend does not mean I will automatically take your side in any given conflict, though I will give you the benefit of the doubt.

XIV. I despise change for the sake of change.

XV. I very rarely eat fruit.

XVI. I refer to June 1999-present as my Lost Decade...

XVII. I have not worn a pair of jeans since graduating high school.

XVIII. I have never been on a date.

XIX. I still use a mercury thermometer to take my temperature since I've never been able to get a digital one to get even close to 98.6° when I'm healthy. I worry about breaking it not because I'm concerned about inhaling mercury vapor; but rather, because I would never be able to replace it.

XX. I don't like being praised for the things I'm supposed to be doing. Have the standards of others dropped so low that meeting expectations is now cause for acclaim?

XXI. I don't like being in loud places.

XXII. The last time I have ever danced with someone was the square dancing we had to do when I was in the third grade.

XXIII. I am persistent or stubborn or stubbornly persistent depending on your point of view.

XXIV. I work better with limitations than without.

XXV. It has taken me almost five hours to complete this list.

(originally posted to That Other Journal on February 6, 2009)

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