Thursday, November 15, 2012


Courtesy of commenter Onslaught from this video on Cracked:

Yes but there are differences between women and men. That's just reality. There's differences between black culture and white culture. That's just reality. Yes you see black characters that have traits of black culture (traits? What do I mean by that? Think Obama replying with "nah we straight" when offered change by a shopkeeper) and it doesn't mean anything. It's not racist it's just reality. Why do we have to portray women as men and black people as white in order to not be sexist/racist? Do you not see the sexism/racism in that? Ah, whatever.

And in case it wasn't clear, that Obama example actually happened.

to which later s/he responded:

The stereotypes of males and females account for the majority of males and females. That's just being real. It's not like a small criminal element of the black community making all black people get labelled the same, these are actually pretty damn accurate. Can it even be called a stereotype when it fits the majority, if not all, of the group (the group in question being heterosexual males/females only)? Is it a stereotype to say the sky is blue? Is it a stereotype to say water is a liquid?

Sure, some straight women might fight these 'stereotypes' because they've been trained from birth to see femininity as weakness instead of having its own unique power but that's an active choice on their part and not indicative of how they really feel. Women ARE more emotional than men, for example. It's not a stereotype, it's not sexism, it's just fact.

I see this comment not so much as, "I agree with this wholeheartedly. End of conversation." but rather, as a jumping off point into a conversation/civil argument. One of the many topics which falls into the things we're "not supposed to talk about."

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