Sunday, April 1, 2012


      David Wong wrote another of his insightful articles on Cracked the other day called, "5 Ways Modern Men Are Trained to Hate Women". Like it or hate it, it generated many thousands of comments in just a few days (over 8100 as of this posting). I don't really know what to say about it. I'm not gonna claim that it's 100% true but I'm also not gonna sit here and act like I didn't "get it" or otherwise intuitively understand where he was coming from with all of this. I took the time to read many of the articles comments. I'm not posting any of them here so you'll have to take my word for it. Instead I'm just going for my two bits.

      This is not my entire point of view, merely a part of it.

      I view women as a civilizing force for me. I'm not gonna claim all men but you are welcome to corroborate the assessment. Women are a virtuous force and I am actually referring to the Seven Heavenly Virtues (chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience, kindness, and humility). I say this as someone who has spent far too much of his time alone. I say this as a man who, when in the presence of women and especially those women he has become attracted to, feels compelled to be less me and more us. When alone, the temptations of the Seven Deadly Sins (lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, and pride) become ever more insistent. Repeated failure excites lust (not caring about her feelings for others and for the feelings others may have for her), sloth (desiring to get others to lay the groundwork for wooing her on my behalf because clearly I am failing with self-generated efforts), wrath (especially self-directed, but occasionally outwardly directed), envy (wanting to diminish the influence of or outright remove her friends and family because they're in "my" way), and especially pride (because well, I "deserve" her and I am superior to her other potential suitors and who is anyone to tell me I do not deserve a slice of happiness to call my own?!). Greed (desire, I suppose, to possess those things and attributes necessary to win her) and especially gluttony (I seriously don't know where gluttony would come in here...for her time, maybe?), play smaller roles...but they're all present.

      A woman I desire causes me to feel embarrassed that I should have ever wanted such awful and horrible things. A woman I desire makes me desire to become virtuous (though, like gluttony in the previous instance...not so much chastity ;-) ). Without one, I feel only the dark sides of my personality acting upon me, influencing me, and poisoning my thoughts. Even the mere hope of a woman (a crush) is enough to shine bright light upon those dark recesses and bring about a much needed yearning for positive change and growth and with each dashing of that hope comes a renewed vigor to tighten my selfish grip. The soil of my moon soul, though fertile, needs the light from the promise of her sun love to encourage and nourish the growth of mutualistic goals. Without her, only parasitic selfish notions may flourish...

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