Monday, December 12, 2011


From this article on IO9 regarding potential of CP-violation in the universe which would explain why we live in a universe comprised of matter and not a balance of matter/anti-matter or nothing at all. From commenter Cheevocabra responding to another commenter who wondered if anti-matter would behave the same chemically as matter:

"...Chemistry is basically all about positive and negative bits sticking together. Chemistry doesn't care if it's an electron− paired up with a proton+ or a positron+ with an antiproton−, the resulting anti-hydrogen is going to interact with other antimatter the same way hydrogen interacts with normal matter. The mass and other properties of anti-hydrogen would be the same as hydrogen, except the polarities of its constituent particles would be reversed. Plus it would be evil."

ADDENDUM: An article talking about the Higgs boson had this opinion by commenter PhDinSeagalogy:

This is clearly just another excuse for the patriarchal science-monger regime to "discover" a particle that disenfranchises other, feminine particles, and then elevate that particle to a transcendental, phallic godhead. Why isn't it Higgs-bodaughter? Because of the patriarchy, that's why. And I bet that this particle will be all like "I'm a man particle and I love war, get back in the kitchen tachyons!" What we need is an empowered, feminist particle to counteract this phallocentric "physics" that privileges the male-membered "boson" particles over the nurturing "bodaughter" particles. But that will never happen because "science" is just really a sausage-party of sausage-affirmation! Down with the phallocracy of Higgs-boson and up with the koleologocracy of Higgs-bodaughter!

Now if anyone knows what "koleologocracy" is supposed to mean, I'd be much obliged. I'm assuming it's supposed to be the opposite of "rule by penis" that is the word "phallocracy" but I can't find references to it anywhere. The closes I can get is κολεος (koleos) meaning "vagina" but it does not explain the fuller word unless it is supposed to mean "rule by vaginal reason" as λόγος (logos) means "reason". I don't know. I overthink shit.

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