Tuesday, February 15, 2011


      Digby's car has been repaired so it's now or I'm a coward. She's heading out to work soon and gets out at midnight. RedMom is in a relay position.

      The plan is simple: at around 10 p.m., text Digby and assertively ask her to join me tonight at a local diner for coffee [I don't drink coffee but I'm stuck with the expression] and follow it up immediately with a text to RedMom telling her that I had done so allowing her to follow-up if need be. And yes, I admit that I am nervous to do so. That's the trouble with me: everything's in my head - it's all hypotheses, conceptions, and abstractions with little reality to back it all up. I also feel a bit like Wile E. Coyote as well: I'm so used to the pursuit that I have not put any thought into what comes next after the endgame is achieved. My history suggests that I needn't worry about such things yet it still makes me nervous the thought of being caught wholly unprepared.

      That being said, I fully expect her to either not respond to my text at all or to decline the invitation. I have low prospects (given our history) of success so I am braced for that impact. I am not, however, braced for a resounding, hope-killing no which I find strange given that I am indeed a coward. You'd think anything that would actually keep me from knowing for sure exactly how unprepared I am for dating anyone let alone her; anything that would allow me to maintain the illusion, unadulterated by reality, that I can in fact enter into a relationship would be welcomed but yet, it's not, and the past three attempts threw me into ever-lengthening sinusoidal depressions whose peaks barely crossed the threshold into positivity. Something tells me that an ultimate rejection now would actually come across as a relief rather than another soul-shattering experience and again, I find that strange given that I currently have no Secondaries and haven't had any since the inception of the Digby crush.

      Either way, I look at the clock now and see I have six hours to go...

ADDENDUM: For those of you who bet on her not responding to my text at all, you win. I sent a tentative text asking her to confirm what I already knew namely, "When are you getting off work tonight? Midnight?". An affirmative response would've yielded the invitation text. Never got to happen. I didn't text RedMom since nothing happened. The plan was to inform her after Digby had said yes just so I could get an idea of whether Digby would actually be coming or if she would stand me up again. I'll see how our next few encounters at work go. If she doesn't try to stop me, next Tuesday, I'll be going straight for the invitation. After that, if nothing, I'll have to give up. I can't think of anything else... I'm fine right now because I expected this outcome. We'll see how I am next Tuesday...


AmyKathryn said...

A pumpkin blue always but never applesauce. A then the it was were. Sit from violins holding under insides forty-three. Hogs every total gazillion zoo joke lock. Kick drier value never appears it.

Vachon said...

Yeah, wait what?

AmyKathryn said...

It was absolute nonsense designed to distract you from stressing, though I guess you didn't see the comment last night. (Is she a texter? I know I'm not, so usually I don't reply to texts. I actually only SEND about 3 texts a year, and receive mostly those that are updates from my carrier.) Then again, though I don't text, if someone were to text me a question, I'd reply, or call. I guess we'll see what next week brings! *HUGS*

Vachon said...

No. I took a nap, got up at ten to make the text and got ready...just in case. Digby's a texter. I observe her making and responding to them all the time. And she has responded to ones I've made in the past.

Hey! I was one of your three ^_^

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