Monday, August 10, 2009


Did the last person who emotionally hurt you, ever apologize?

Your last kiss probably meant nothing to you, right?
It was hardly an epiphany, but it certainly didn't mean nothing

Is there anyone you would seriously punch right now if you had the chance?
I'm sure a customer or two would qualify =]

Have you ever regretted letting someone go?
It's more like I regret holding on to someone in the first place because it takes me a looonnnggg fucking time to finally let go...

Did you sleep alone last night?
Yeah, that's one of them there...uh...constants in my life :-/

Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now?
Statistically chance in hell... :-/

Who was the last person to tell you they love you?
DopeStarAngel playfully

Was your last kiss drunk or sober?

Do you know anyone with the same birthday as you?

How do you feel right now?
I feel the negative vortices of cynicism and self-hatred taking shape...I knew I picked this survey for a reason =]

Are you a mean person?
I try not to be

Are there any words on your shirt? What?
Yes. It reads: "Cereal Killer" and has a spoon pictured below it

Are you a patient person?
Incredibly so

Do you love someone?
In broader senses of the word, yes

Have you ever slept on a couch with someone else?

Are you wearing any clothes that don't belong to you?

How old is the oldest person you've kissed?
Now? or then? Eh...I'll just do both: 18 at the time; 29 now

So what if you married the last person you kissed?
I can't even speculate how that would've gone...

If you could change your eye color would you?
I would leave them as is, but more so out of apathy rather than affection

Last person you told a secret to?
I don't remember

Do you hate anyone?
There's always the temptation, but I never truly hate anyone

Who did you last get into an argument with?
As an exchange of ideas? I guess The Ukrainian. --- Heated? probably Best Friend :-)

Have you ever had a really big fight with a best friend
Oh-oh yeah...let's not go there :-)

How long have you liked the person you like currently?
I've been forced back into free agency again...would've been 2 years, but not meant to be... :-/

Ever kissed someone whose name starts with a D?
Not romantically

When will your next kiss be?
I have no fucking clue...

Do you like to have long hair or short hair?
Short hair

Did you ever like someone you know you shouldn't have?
Haha yeah...I remember her...that was back when I returned to my home state =]

When was the last time you cried really, really hard?
Really, really hard? I have no memory of crying hard so I guess as a child? I weep...I don't sob.

Who was the last guy you had a conversation with?
Security Guard

Who was the last girl you had a conversation with?

Are you missing someone right now?
I'm always missing someone

Is anything bothering you?
My mind is quiet right now

Do you have any plans for tomorrow?
The usual

Anything you are looking forward to?
Going to Great Adventure next week...that may prove fun

Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone?
Security Guard

Have you ever kissed anyone whose name started with an J?
No unfortunately...

Is your phone close to you?
Yes, but not because I'm expecting a call...

Are you happy with your life right now?

Interested in anyone?
The same one I've been until she's subsumed by another... :-/

How is your hair looking?
Increasingly unkempt as my day ends

Do you have a hard time trusting people?

Is there a difference between like and love?

What color is your hair?

What did you drink last?

Who are you thinking about right now?
No one at the moment

You have to get a tattoo, where and what do you get?
On my face -- something like the one Mike Tyson's got; but then, I don't want any tattoos...

Ever been told "it’s not you, it's me"?
A version of it (No Doubt song title)

Do you want to be single?

Why did you last cry?
Because my Dad had died

Is this summer gonna be a good one?

Have you ever dated someone longer than a year?
No...and I'll leave it at that for once

Do you get mad easily?
No, which is why people notice when I do =]

Where is the person you miss the most right now?
Male? Cemetery --- Female? I have no clue

Did you have an exciting last weekend?
I work on the weekends so what do you think?

The last song you heard?
I wasn't paying attention to the MUZAK station when I left in the morning. The last song I chose to listen to was "Ordinary Morning" by Sheryl Crow

Has a friend ever stabbed you in the back?

Can you honestly say that you're okay right now?
Yeah, I'm alright but I'll admit the temptation to insert a Pulp Fiction quote right here is a strong one :]

Do you catch the bus to school?
I no longer attend school...and no, when I did

What were you doing at 7:00 AM?
In my room listening to Opie and Anthony and futzing around on these here social networking sites

Plans for the weekend?
Work and listen to a few CDs when I get home (after doing the dishes)

Have you ever made someone laugh when they were crying?
I don't remember

Have you done anything sneaky lately?
Tried but had to abort

Will next Friday be a good one?
It'll be just like last Friday

Ever called a person useless?
Thought it I'm sure =]

Do you know anyone who smokes pot?

Who are you texting now?
No one

How many friends do you have that don't smoke?
Of my close friends, all of them don't. If you count everyone, I don't know

Would you rather go to Canada or Mexico on vacation?
Canada. The sheer number of Mexicans trying to get into this country on a daily basis doesn't speak well of Mexico. Plus Canada speaks (mostly) English...makes it easier to get around :-)

Would you move to another state or country to be with the one you love?

If someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you?

Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you?
Yes, several

Is there anyone you know that deserves to get hit?

Do you live with your parents?

What's something fun you did today?
Uploaded some photos from my shitty cellphone camera...yes, my life's that exciting

What are you listening to right now?
The Opie and Anthony Show on Sirius/XM

What are you going to do after this?
Waste more time

Do you like pickles?

How about olives?

What is your favorite kind of gum?
I don't like chewing gum, but the standard bubble gum flavor still appeals to me

Do you have any tan lines?
If I do, it wasn't because I was trying...stupid high-angle sun...

When you're at the grocery store do you use the self checkout?
Fuck no! That's two people's jobs I'm guilty of taking away if I use those.

Has anyone ever sang to you?
Yes and what an awkward set of moments that was!

Has anyone ever given you roses?

If you were abandoned in the wilderness, would you survive?
Depends on how long I'm expected to be out there. If forever, then not for long most likely, but I wouldn't go down without a fight!

What is your favorite color?
Blue, like the sky when you look straight up on a cloudless Summer day...or is that violet?

What color are your eyes?
Hazel I've been told

What is a compliment you receive way too often?
That I'm "nice" which, let's face it, is really a thinly veiled insult

How tall are you?
5' 9½"

Do you like your parents?

Where is the furthest place you've traveled?

Which do you prefer, to eat or sleep?
Eat...water's in the food :-)

Do you look more like your mom or your dad?
Mom...very much like my Mom

How long does it take you to shower?
From wash to dry, about 15-20 mins.

Can you use the grill?
I don't like barbecued food. I prefer the broiler if I need to "grill"

What movie do you want to see?
I already saw Up...nothing else is on my mind now

Was your mom a cheerleader?

What is the last letter of your middle name?

How many hours of sleep did you get last night?
About seven

Do you wear your seat belt in the car?

What do you sleep in?
T-shirt and sweatshorts

What jewelry do you wear all the time (every hour of the day)?
I have no jewelry to wear. I honestly can only envision me wearing a ring on my right index finger à la Sauron if I had to wear something :]

What is your favorite song at the moment?
My favorite song is "You Won't See Me" by The Beatles -- currently, I like "Morningside" by Sara Bareilles

What song do you HATE?
"If I Were a Boy" by Beyoncé is just awful...Thanks MUZAC at work...I hate songs like that

Do you like chocolate?

Are you easy to get along with?
I'm not sure...depends on whom you ask

Any up coming events you're excited about?
Not so much excited as curious, but yes =]

How much money did you spend today?

What's something you really want right now?
I only know who I am, not what I want

Have you ever slept in the same bed as your friend?

Who did you last hang out with?
The Ukrainian

Do you know anyone with the same name as you?

Who do you blame for your bad mood today?
I'm not in a bad mood now; but when I am, I always blame myself

What was the first thing you did this morning?
Shut off my alarm

Are you good at hiding your feelings?
I don't tell me :]

Do you ever get good morning texts from people?
Not once

Did you speak to your father today?

Who was the first person you talked to today?
Probably Roommate

Do you try hard in school?
Not in school (guessing I'm not the demo. for this survey); but when I was in, no

What's annoying you?
Nothing at the moment

Do you have a best friend?

(originally posted to That Other Journal on August 10, 2009)

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