Friday, August 28, 2009


     I received the check for Best Friend's and my security deposit yesterday. We got the full amount plus the paltry interest it earned (all $7.66!!!). From the amount of damage Best Friend did to the drywall because she just had to have curtains, I thought for sure we'd get hit with something. Also, it was damaged the whole time but neither of us noticed until a few months after moving in, one of our kitchen cabinet drawers was broken. The panel you'd pull to open would occasionally just fall off.  But nothing. Best Friend was right that I was worrying too much so now when I tell her she's getting the full half of the deposit back (plus all that interest) minus the cost of the final PSE&G bill which she has yet to pay me for...only been a month!...when I tell her that nothing was deducted, I'll just have to take it as she gloats in her rectitude. I guess she's gotta have one, right?

     And thus ends our tumultuous year together.

(originally posted to That Other Journal on August 28, 2009)


Here's something completely pointless and probably won't work right but will nevertheless amuse for a few moments because well...we're us.

Try it and feel free to comment me on any good ones you managed to get.

ADDENDUM: The above link also offers a download of various things Kosh had said over the course of the series. Most notably absent was "And so it begins" (which would make for a good Windows Start chime)...How could you not have what is probably (thanks to Season 5) the most famous thing Kosh has said. And of course, no matter where I go, I can't find a site that lets you download the phrase, it's only for playing on Quicktime...ugh. Now I've gotta do it myself...

(originally posted to That Other Journal on August 28, 2009)

Sunday, August 9, 2009


Using only song names from ONE ARTIST, cleverly answer these questions. Try not to repeat a song title. It's a lot harder than you think! Re-post as "My Life According to (band name)"

Pick Your Artist:
Billy Joel