Tuesday, May 12, 2009


I'm not gonna get into details this time, but suffice to say, Best Friend and I got into yet another big fight over something ridiculous -- did you ever notice that in your life? The less important something is, the more vehemently and savagely it will be fought for/over? Then again, maybe it's symmetrical: Civilized warfare for/over important issues/themes and Savagery for petty issues. I dunno.

      Regardless, the end result was me spending last Friday morning moving my computer into my already small room. Much to my chagrin, the phone jack in my room is not connected to anything so the easy wiring job became unnecessarily complicated to get the telephone wire into my room. Probably for the first time in my life I wish I had a laptop...maybe the next upgrade -- do they make A/C adaptor male plugs that securely fit into the female plug of the laptop? Best Friend's one just keeps slipping out with only the slightest touch [insert slutty computer joke here].

      My room is essentially a slider puzzle now. In order to do anything, something else must be moved out of the way. The arrangement I'm sure could've been made more optimal, but wha'e'er, I just need out of her sight to get some peace and if I can only achieve that peace by holing myself up in my room and effectively ceding 80% of the apartment to her for a month, then so be it.

      Roommate and I made the final arrangements securing the new apartment yesterday and it should come as no surprise that problems are attached, hopefully all minor. I can't help but think we should've taken the other 2BR apartment we saw together than the one we actually got. The first thing I noticed is that while all the keys I was given fit in the locks, none of them are actually capable of locking/unlocking the door so new keys will have to be made lickety-split (yes, I wrote that). The mailbox keys, however, do work swimmingly [yes, I wrote that too]. I swear I smelt urine in the stairwell which may not be surprising since the apartment is open...what's to stop (hopefully) an animal from making a pitstop. The closet door in the large bedroom still does not open...it's really stuck good despite the fact that Roommate pointed this out when he first saw it...I hope this isn't a sign of what is to come.

      I'm gonna go back later today to make accurate measurements, take pictures, test the appliances/outlets/faucets, locate outlets/radiators and other fixtures, check for insect/rodent infestation, check the carpets/fixtures to make sure they're secure and undamaged, find out who our the cable provider is and parking regulations for same, etc. Despite all this, I feel like I'm gonna like this place. The liaison to the landlord is very laid-back...almost too laid-back like she's a con artist who's not actually employed by our Landlord (oh yeah, and completely batty) =]. The lease explicitly forbids putting an air-conditioner in the window, but they clearly don't care which I like [hell, the liaison's office has one!]. The only potential real problem I can foresee is our neighbors. I can only hope that we're not surrounded by dickheads who will complain at the slightest noise...especially when I stay awake all night when I'm home. I felt quite a lot of relief my first night in my current apartment hearing the downstairs neighbor blasting the TV at 3 a.m. I can only hope for a repeat of that and that seems likely as our little block has a lot of tweens/teenaged kids in it. =]

      I've gotta free up some space in my current room stat so as soon as Roommate starts moving in, I'll have to ferry some of my smaller clutter over. I look forward to a more peaceable and uplifting existence and even a renewed lease...I hate moving this much. I think I'm up to ten times now :-/

      Best Friend and I will definitely need to take a break from each other. We're going to my cousin's wedding this Saturday so I've been keeping this intention from her. I don't intend to break all contact...just casual contact. I will still be there for emergencies such as if she gets hospitalized or one her (grand)parents should die, but the quotidian stuff I intend to relegate to e-mail/AIM/MySpace until such a time as I wish to include her again in my life more typically.

      And finally, I'm fucking tired of ants! Holy shit how many have been crawling in lately! I've got bait stations everywhere and am now in this uneasy situation whereby I'm no longer killing the ants on sight because I want them to discover the other form of death I've provided them. I can't tell if it's working yet...it's been two days and the package says to wait at least three to begin noticing results. I'm starting to think this poison Fipronil works a bit too well as I've been finding dead ants in the bathtub. If they're not making it back to their nests to tell the others about this tasty treat they've found, how am I gonna kill the queen? Ugh...I'll just have to see what happens as the week progresses. These ants remind me of the only thing I genuinely hate about apartment-living: your apartment is only as clean as its dirtiest tenant. Stupid insects...why must you be so vital to the food chain?!!

(originally posted to That Other Journal on May 12, 2009)

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