Monday, March 30, 2009


Wow...a bit angry in that last entry! This is one of the dangers of writing things down. :-)

I just wanna let you all know that I'm better now. I've calmed down. I've since talked to my Best Friend and again, like we always do, we've made up and made our conciliatory gestures. Hell, I've even got some space in that closet now -- now I can stow my winter blanket and a few other things that have been simply getting in the way in my room.

When I get mad, I get really mad...which is why I try not to get to that point. Best Friend and I tend to yell at each other quite a bit. However, it's not unproductive even if at first it comes across as such. Through all the loudness, we're both actually listening. We're similar in that neither of us want to concede when we're both hot. It's most frustrating, but cooler heads ultimately and always prevail with us...even if it takes a day or two. We both know what we did wrong and apologize for it and move on from it. That's what we do. Our fights are not our proudest moments, but we do get ultimately closer as a result. No matter what I say about Best Friend here, I love her and I have for a very long time. We're not going anywhere. We'll continue to learn how to work together and how to live together and neither of us will ever abandon the other. That's how it is and how it will continue to be.

I thank you for your sympathies when I'm mad, but just know that that's all it is...anger. I will calm down and see the situation more clearly. Please understand that I would never have stayed with her for as long as I have if she were truly as bad as I make her out to be. No news truly is good news and anger is prone to exaggeration. I'm sure you all have your own horror stories :-)

'Til next time.....

(originally posted to That Other Journal on March 30, 2009)

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