Tuesday, March 17, 2009


40 secrets about yourself:

- - be honest no matter what - -

[one] are you completely happy with life?
No...I don't even think that could be possible though

[two] where is your default picture taken?
My Best Friend's house

[three] what's your middle name

[four] what color do you hate most?
I guess purple as I have difficulty distinguishing it from blue

[five] does your crush like you back?
No, she's since made that plain to me.

[six] what is your current mood?
Vaguely energetic

[seven] why?
Probably cuz I'm at that point where my body has given up on me going to sleep :-)

[eight] what makes you happy?
Realized hope

[nine] look at a picture/poster in the room you are in, who's on it ?
One of Lichtenstein's comic-art pieces (Vicki! I -- I thought I heard your voice!)

[ten] if you could go back in time and change something, what would it be?
It might be fun to Butterfly Effect my life by going back to the start of high school , assuming my soul (experiences/memories/etc.) are intact. See if I do better the second time around :-)

[eleven] if you must be an animal for one day, what would you be?
A common housecat...it'd be nice to get some affection

[twelve] have you ever had a near death experience?
I had a couple scares (like almost falling from a tree [lost my grip for a moment] and a Stand By Me moment [more like a close call than a near-death experience though].

[fourteen] the song stuck in your head?
"If I Had No Loot" by Tony Toni Toné among a multitude of others :-)

[fifteen] what is your desktop background?
A Shadow vessel wasting a Narn fighter...if only this were question 14

[sixteen] what are you wearing?
Blue (purple?) sweatpants and a tee shirt which reads "I live in my own little world, but it's okay, they know me here."

[seventeen] when was the last time you cried?
When Dad died...the morning after when I finally had some time to myself

[eighteen] have you ever sung in front of a large audience?

[nineteen] if you could have a super power what would it be?
That entirely depends upon whether or not there are other people with super powers out there

[twenty] what's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
Their hair -- I like long, straight, dark hair. There have been exceptions, as personality can override superficially desirable characteristics, but this survey only wants to know the first thing I notice :-)

[twenty-one] what do you usually order from Starbucks?
I've never ordered nor have I purchased anything from Starbucks

[twenty-two] what's your biggest secret?
Insert dirty joke here.....

[twenty-three] favorite color(s)?
Blue, red, and green

[twenty-four] fav tv show?
On the Air: Lost -- Off the Air: You Can't Do That on Television

[twenty-five] do you still watch kiddy movies or TV shows?
Occasionally, but less than I used to

[twenty-six] what are you eating or drinking at the moment?
I finished my Totino's and Coca-Cola before reaching this question :-)

[ twenty-seven] Worst smell?
Death...a specific example would be rotting tomatoes...oof!

[twenty-eight] what's your favorite smell?
I don't know...it's contextual

[twenty-nine] if you could describe your life in one word what would it be?

[thirty] who was the last person to hug you? and when?
Mom...last night

[thirty-one] have you ever kissed in the rain?
No...every time has been a strictly indoor affair

[thirty-two] what/who are you thinking about right now?

[thirty-three] what should you be doing?
Cleaning my room, but then, that's the beauty of should, now isn't it? :-)

[thirty-four] what was the last thing to make you mad/angry?
Being stood up by Question Number Five...also sad, but Dad's passing kinda put that in perspective so I'm not anymore

[thirty-six] do you like working in yards?
No, and yet I want an expansive one *shrug*

[thirty-seven] Do you like the beach?
I haven't been to one since I think 1992, so I don't know anymore

[thirty-eight] do you act differently around your crush/significant other?
No, it's more like an exaggerated version of all those things girls find sexy like lack of confidence, poor posture, and not knowing what to say

[thirty-nine] name a song that reminds you of your most recent ex?
That silence between CD tracks as I've never had an ex

[forty] who was the last person to make you cry?
I guess Dad technically though that answer likely violates the spirit of the question

(originally posted to That Other Journal on March 17, 2009)

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